First of all, apologies for my absence due to slightly unexpected social events. The normal sub-standard service has now resumed! A few days ago MDA (My Darling Ann - Coulter), a stern disciplinarian, went in for a bit of lashing and her helpless, hapless target was the GOP of America, you remember, the dimwits who managed to lose against the stupidest and most dangerous president since, er, well, you choose your favourite. With clenched teeth and straining tendons in her muscular arms - Max Mosley would have loved it! - she thrashed those conservative dimwits with words.
The main target for her contempt were the likes of Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, all of whom, God help us, are strong contenders for nomination as the Republican runner in 2016. They, according to MDA, have fallen for the Democrat chimera that the Hispanic vote is so important that you must dance to a Democrat tune. Thus, they chase each other in kissing Hispanic babies' arses and in supporting Dem plans to throw open the doors to even more Hispanic immigrants as well as legalising the illegals already there in a fruitless effort to win the Hispanic vote. The fact that this bloc only represents 8.4% of the national vote and that in the last election it actually dropped appears to have completely passed the GOP leadership by. In fact, only 48% of Hispanics bothered to vote at all! MDA emphasises the point:
As Byron York has shown, even if Mitt Romney had won 70 percent of the Hispanic vote, he still would have lost. No Republican presidential candidate in at least 50 years has won even half of the Hispanic vote.
However, the GOP bigwigs are so terrified of the Hispanic vote that they insist on being led by their 'Rino' (Republican in name only) noses in a direction which only suits the Democrat party. What they fail to understand because, as MDA points out, the GOP leadership is made up almost entirely of mega-rich businessmen with little or no understanding of life at street level, is that most Latinos in America are as keen, if not keener, on immigration controls because if the country is flooded with more of them then wages and conditions will drop! Mind you, that might suit the personal interests of GOP businessmen, as MDA points out:
Maybe the greedy businessmen now running the Republican Party should talk with their Hispanic maids sometime. Ask Juanita if she'd like to have seven new
immigrants competing with her for the opportunity to clean other people's
houses, so that her wages can be dropped from $20 an hour to $10 an hour.
So, if the Hispanic vote, always low in national terms, went even lower in 2012, then who won it for Obama? MDA turns to a recent article by Steve Sailor at for the answer, in my version of Sun-speak, 'it was old, black wimmin wot dunnit'!
But who did turn out in 2012 to drive Obama to victory? Who was the fresh new
face of the American electorate in 2012?
Old black ladies.
According to the Census survey, fans of Tyler Perry movies voted in remarkable numbers in 2012—even more than in Obama’s first victory in 2008.
Unsurprisingly, given Obama’s candidacy, from 2004 to 2008 the number of
black voters had grown 15 percent.
Unexpectedly, however, blacks added another 10 percent to their vote total
from 2008 to 2012. Nationally, 66.2 percent of eligible blacks voted compared to
64.1 percent of whites, 48.0 percent of Hispanics, and 47.3 percent of
Thus in the crucial battleground state of Ohio,
blacks achieved a voting rate of 71.7 percent compared to 61.9 percent for whites.
Overall, the raw black vote total grew more than
even the Hispanic vote from 2008 to 2012: an incremental 1.68 million for blacks versus 1.44 million for
Hispanics, and a decline of 2.00 million for whites.
Well, as Steve Sailor emphasises, you can hardly blame elderly black ladies who grew up during the struggles against racial discrimination for managing to overcome their aches and pains of old age and somehow getting themselves down to the polling booths to ensure that one of their own (as they see it!) stays in the White House.
However, one thing is now critical for the Republican party and that is a thorough cleansing of their leadership stables and the introduction of a new, shrewder and more intelligent group of political leaders. And the very first thing they need to do is to read and assimilate that Census Bureau report upon which Steve Sailor based his analysis. In fact, why not employ him full-time with MDA as his deputy?
Good stuff. I have linked to you over on The Diplomad 2.0. I figure if we keep shooting at the leftist beast from both sides of the Atlantic, one of us is bound to get a kill shot.
Posted by: The Diplomad | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 04:50
That's spot on!
I know for a fact it's true that many business owners are all for amnesty, due to the depressing effect it will have on wages.
Republicans who claim that this will somehow help them among hispanics are either terminally stupid or lying. For further proof, consider this; even if Amnesty does help Republicans reach historic highs with Hispanics, that's around 40%, max. So, even if their claim was true, they'd be adding millions of voters who would vote D by 6 to 4. That not only cancels out their assumed gains amongst present hispanics, it results in a net gain for Democrats. And that's *IF* the best-case scenario the R's have painted comes to pass.
They might also pause to wonder why the Democrats are cheering them on on this issue. It's because the Democrats aren't stupid - they know this will be a big long-term advantage for them.
Posted by: Arizona CJ | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 08:32
Diplomad, thanks for the link and I have added my two-pennies worth.
ACJ, we had the same racket inflicted on us during the Blair years when the Labour party opened the doors to overseas immigrants in the certain knowledge that an overwhelming number of them would vote Labour.
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 08:50
Blimey, it would seem that the Republicans have adopted the brilliant tactics of the one and only Dave (PBUH).
Where will the 'true' Republicans go to vote?. At least in our neck of the woods there is UKIP for we disaffected conservatives. As far as I know, there is no such equivalent on the other side of the pond.
Posted by: Paul Minter | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 10:08
Hello, Paul, yes, you're right but they did have the putative Tea Party which the Grand Panjandrums of the GOP managed to sit upon - ooops, did I miss out the 'h'? Anyway, the result is now history.
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 10:25
What in tarnation you doing? I comes over the pond kindliest lending you for free perper lessoning in the finest of hillbillyianese - and then Duffers, you cross over here 'n insult (by extension) the whole Hillbilly race by failing to perperly spell it out Hill"B"illy!!!
Years in school 'n see how I's remunerated. I (almost) hope Brown gets re-elected.
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 18:23
For the benefit of readers even more confused by JK's literary circumlocutions than normal let me explain that he is referring to my comment on 'The Diplomad's site in which, in referring to 'HillBilly', I forgot the capital 'B'. I will, of course, take my punishment like a man, and even at the risk of going blind that'll be two shots of good ol' Jake's Arkie Special Brew, JK, not one!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 21:21