Jolly generous, this government of ours, not just one but two 'loadsa blx' on one day. First, the crime rate has fallen. Well, as we all know, crime stats can be relied about as much as my old punters could rely on the 'service histories' of the bits of 'shrapnel' I used to flog back in the day. Apart from any other variations, it must remembered that the police do not record every crime, dismissing many as too footlin' to bother with - and the fact that a 'falling' rate makes them look good is entirely coincidental. Also, the victims of burglary are reluctant to report any break-ins because the insurance companies, whilst they might pay out on the second-hand value of what was stolen, will very definitely hit the punter with an eye-wateringly huge increase in premiums for the following years. So, would you really bother to report the theft of your old computer or music deck or whatever and then make a claim on your insurance? If you would, allow me to mention to you a really beautiful, one elderly owner Ford Mondeo, full service history and . . . sorry, what was that?
The other piece of blatant agit-prop came from that well known comedian, Mr. Vince (Laugh-a-Minute) Cable, allegedly our Business Minister - well, that's a good joke for a start! He assures us today that the Olympic farrago was more than paid for by a vast influx of foreign dosh which would only have come to the 'septic Isle' because all those 'hearties', after they had taken their, er, 'medicine', ran and jumped and cycled and swam and threw things. If, opined Vince with a dead straight face, none of that had happened then not a penny piece would have been invested here. It's the way he tells 'em!
I once did financial analysis on insurance companies for consultants. Their finances could manipulated according to the results the client wanted. I never trust statistics.
Posted by: missred | Friday, 19 July 2013 at 18:36
Apologies, Ma'am, bloody-bloody TypePad had the temerity to place you in the 'Spam Box'. However, you are entirely right, statistics should always and forever be treated as though they were fraudulent even when they're not!
Posted by: David Duff | Saturday, 20 July 2013 at 09:49
Off-topic but something needs be done to lighten all the gloomies of these here recent D&Ns
The article mentions "experts're required" David - I've put in my resume, you might consider sending yours.
Posted by: JK | Saturday, 20 July 2013 at 20:37