How very true and Rick Moran at The American Thinker provides a delicious example in the somewhat unlovely form of Ms. Lori Gottleib. She was born and raised in Beverley Hills, California, and I assume that this unfortunate environment led her to view the world through Hollywood spectacles - which would be enough to leave anyone short-sighted and cross-eyed! Anyway, it certainly left Ms. Gottlieb leaning way over to the Left and into the arms of the Democrat party where she has become an ardent supporter and propogandist writing for various media outlets including the 'Obama Trumpet', or, the New York Times as it sometimes called.
Alas, poor Ms. Gottleib, that rotten, old, real world just poked her in the eye with a sharp stick, or to be accurate, slapped her across the face with a new medical insurance contract issued under the new nirvana of The Great Leader. Ms. Gottleib was shocked, I tell you, shocked:
THE Anthem Blue Cross representative who answered my call told me
that there was a silver lining in the cancellation of my individual P.P.O.
policy and the $5,400 annual increase that I would have to pay for the
Affordable Care Act-compliant option: now if I have Stage 4 cancer
or need a sex-change operation, I'd be covered regardless of pre-existing
conditions. Never mind that the new provider network would eliminate coverage
for my and my son's long-term doctors and hospitals.
The Anthem rep cheerily explained that despite the company's -- I paraphrase -- draconian rates and limited network, my benefits, which also include maternity coverage (handy for a 46-year-old), would "be actually much richer."
So, what can a lonely, hurt Lefty do when she has been badly let down by The Glorious Leader? Well, share your pain with your other Lefty friends and comrades, I suppose:
"Obamacare or Kafkacare?" I posted on Facebook as soon as I hung up with Anthem. I vented about the call and wrote that the president should be protecting the middle class, not making our lives substantially harder. For extra sympathy, I may have thrown in the fact that I'm a single mom. (O.K., I did.)
Then I sat back and waited for the love to pour in. Or at least the "like." Lots of likes. After all, I have 1,037 Facebook friends. Surely, they'd commiserate.
"Surely, they'd commiserate"! Oh dear, 46-years old and still as thick as a sack of spanners - heh! that's Hollywood for you!
Instead, aside from my friend David, who attempted to cheer me up with, "My dad, who never turns down a bargain, would take the sex change just because it's free," my respondents implied -- in posts that, to my annoyance, kept getting more "likes" -- that it was beyond uncool to be whining about myself when the less fortunate would finally have insurance.
"The nation has been better off," wrote one friend. "Over 33 million people who did not have insurance are now going to get it." That's all fine and good for "the nation," but what about my $5,400 rate hike (after-tax dollars, I wanted to add, but dared not in this group of previously closeted Mother Teresas)? Another friend wrote, "Yes, I'm paying an extra 200 a month, but I'm okay with doing that so that others who need it can have health care."
I was shocked. Who knew my friends were such humanitarians? Has Obamacare made it un-P.C. to be concerned by a serious burden on my family's well-being?
Ah well, as I have remarked before on this blog, it's an exceedingly ill wind that doesn't blow someone on their arse and into a pile of manure for the amusement of the rest of us!
Exactly what did this stupid woman think she was supporting when she supported obamacare, I wonder. She probably believed that only those richer than her would be asked to subsidize the others, probably subsidize her too. Well, we ran out of other people's money a lot sooner than you thought, bitch.
Posted by: Dom | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 12:54
Ouch! Did she hit a nerve, Dom? Even so, she is double silly. First she thought 'Obamacare' was going to be cheap and cheerful, and then she though her fellow liberals would sympathise with her plight. Just how dumb do you have to be to write for the NYT?
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 13:14
You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Posted by: dearieme | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 15:12
'Exactimento', DM!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 16:04
I went to my local food purveyor the other day and encountered a young man standing outside handing out fliers asking patrons to petition management about changing their (workers belong to a union - i guess that union didn't get the exemption) hours and healthcare. He called it corporate greed. I asked if he voted for the bummer and when he said yes I told him he created his own hell. He was not appreciative.
Posted by: missred | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 16:39
"He was not appreciative."
By Jove, Miss Red, I do think you have mastered British understatement!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 16:50