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Saturday, 23 November 2013


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We all admire Anna. She was due back in the operating theatre recently for a risky follow up operation. Yes, news would be welcome.

I have been logging on to Anna's site for the last few days and to no avail. Hope for the best.

I have just tried again but her site is still down.


I noticed some period ago, Anna's site was down - earlier I'd pasted a post-link on LibertyBelle's site.

I recall Anna mentioning she (should something occur) might pull the plug on the blog (I noted JuliaM commenting on that post as well).

I "think/have some idea" why the blog might be inaccessible.

Well I can think of two possible reasons, JK, but the fact is I know nothing! All we can do is wish the lady well.

I'll email later DD. Preps for making a trip to McConnell AFB are underway. Pressed for time.

I too, am concerned. I have never met her, but she makes a huge amount of sense. I hope she's OK. I contribute to her blog from time to time and always reflect on her essential decency. She is missed.

Just read the latest post from The Slog, he knows Anna and his post seems to suggest that she is ok and pulled her blog because she was getting a lot of abuse can you believe that! Abusing a seriously ill woman. I hope I am reading it correctly and that she is alright, it gives me hope.

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