And I don't think that the fact that they are Italian has anything to do with it. No, alas, having large swathes of your brain covered in mildew is all too common across humanity as a whole. Thus, for example, one group of animal rights retards decided to target an Italian circus and "Set Free The Hippo One", a 1.5 ton behemeth called Aisha. Before this no doubt terrified beast went on a full rampage with the strong possibility that someone might well be injured by it, it ran out into a road and was promptly killed in a collision with a car.
Never mind, Aisha, at least you enjoyed your 2.75 minutes of freedom!
No match for the Polo? If it had been a true hybrid car, the beast would have survived?
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 31 December 2014 at 14:43
I wait impatiently for the day when some unwashed animal rightist wanker gets munched by a newly free big striped pussy cat. It will happen as there is a kind and benevolent GOD with a sense of irony.
Posted by: AussieD | Thursday, 01 January 2015 at 01:35
"I wait impatiently for the day when some unwashed animal rightist wanker gets munched" said AussieD.
Well, it wasn't a 'puddy tat'that did the munching, but in 2003, Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard met a Grizzly end in Katmai National Park, Alaska.
Treadwell seems to have been a bit of a fantasist and he spent many years camping out amongst the Grizzly bears in Alaska, thinking he could form a 'relationship' with them. Then, one day in October 2003 it seems he and Amie met a hungry brown bear that saw them as food, not its best friends. Sad, but inevitable I think.
Posted by: Paul Minter | Thursday, 01 January 2015 at 13:02
To paraphrase dear Oscar, such a sweet boy, 'It would take a heart of stone not to laugh'!
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 01 January 2015 at 13:09
Treadwell was overly immersed in "Conflict Resolution" theory. The bear skipped all the course work.
Posted by: Whitewall | Thursday, 01 January 2015 at 13:39