Yes, it's that time again when I rattle my collection box on behalf Mercy Ships and I make no apology because it is, without doubt, one of the most intelligent and effective of charities to Africa. They run hospital ships which year round call into various African ports where the queues form weeks ahead when news of an impending visit gets around. The ship is staffed with volunteer specialist surgeons, doctors, nurses and, to cover the hundred and one menial tasks like cooking, cleaning and so forth, there are a huge number of non-specialist volunteers. Everyone, from top to bottom, works for nothing - and everyone pays their own way out to join the ships.
Please, just dig your credit card out and make a donation - £10, £25, £50 or more if you can afford it. Once again, they have found a generous sponsor who will double all donations made before Christmas - so don't wait - do it now!
Thank you.
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