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Friday, 19 December 2014


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Lord Carrington signed my Warent. So he is an OK guy.

Quite so, BOE, but more important in my view is that he resigned when the Argies invaded the Falklands, as Wiki puts it: "He was Foreign Secretary in 1982 when the Falkland Islands were invaded by Argentina. He took full responsibility for the complacency and failures in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to foresee this development and resigned."

And yes, my mistake, I thought he was the Defence Minister but even so, was he the last honourable man in parliament?

Lacking in honor over here too. Our commander in chief has been quietly removing high level officers who were not too agreeable with turning the military into a lab for PC nonsense. We have too many go along to get along geldings just riding it out until retirement.

"go along to get along geldings just riding it out until retirement."

Damn, wish I'd thought of that phrase!

The femi-nazi brigade in the US Pentagon is feverishly trying to conjure up "The Example", being a buff, tough female on active duty, who might marginally be able to pass a good bit of the infantry training. The components of the training requiring superior upper-body strength will be trivialized as not "mission essential" and quietly dropped from the benchmarks required in training. When females can't pass physical standards for military occupation specialties, those standards end-up being lowered, From January 2014

"Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos wants training officials to “continue to gather data and ensure that female Marines are provided with the best opportunity to succeed,” Capt. Maureen Krebs, a Marine spokeswoman, said Thursday."

"Best opportunity to succeed" is PC jargon for lowering the standards.

Agreed David. I thought George Younger was OK for a Tory. He did sign my Warrant. The last thing you want in the front line is a couple of menstruating mad women grettin their eyes oot who do not know friend from foe.

Alas, LB, where will it all end?

Jimmy, 'werzyabin'? I was beginning to worry about you!

David, where will it all end? Militant lesbians armed and in uniform. Their first "enemy"? Military men who are not on message. Leftist social theory at work. Hands up...nuts on the floor.

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