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Monday, 26 January 2015


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Demetrius should have arranged a wider range of applicants and then put each one accepted on a "trial run" at 2500 a head...nonrefundable.

Regarding the eager young lady and her swimming costume, I think I have seen more cotton in an aspirin bottle. Just not as strategically placed.

Well, 'Whiters', if only I had known I would have offered my services for half the money!

Actually, 'the drachma' has just dropped! Although they live in Germany they are obviously Greek and as you can see from the post above, the Greeks are quite mad - very nice, mind, but mad!

David you are a fair minded gentleman when it comes to women I know, but with all that sugar raging in your blood, I doubt you could have held anything steady enough to do anything useful but talk about it...

Dammit, 'Whiters', are you with the CIA and have you got me under surveillance?

A simple "thank you" will suffice.

Andra, in this case a bit more than a few words is necessary here. At least gratitude of the highest order. Or maybe something more worshipful.

"worshipful"! Yes, I like that - worshipful! Er, you are talking about me, aren't you?

Nice looking burd David. I could maybe have helped oot and given her the favourite. Then I have to dream.

Well it is Monday. And the post is "Monday Funnies"

*Best comment* to date/time:

"The Democrat party is devastated by the news that this man is not dead. They already had him registered to vote in 6 states....."

Dream on, Jimmy!

That quote's better than any of my jokes, JK!

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