No, no, Ma'am, I'm not referring to your underwear, I'm talking about the slip in your political popularity. Last year it must have looked like a shoo-in, such a natural progression, a rightful inheritance, almost one might say with only a hint of mischievous teasing, like our very own dear Royal family which, of course, your 'fellow Americans' deride but constantly try to copy! And you have at hand, so to speak, a master political operator in your beloved husband who, in office, was always, so to speak, careful to deposit any, er, eruptions he had on someone else's clothes, never his own!
But somehow, m'Lady, this year matters are not progressing well. There's something rotten in the state of Democrat politics when both the NYT and the WaPo publish snide articles against you especially when you consider that their editorial staff would crawl over a mile of broken glass to kiss the arse of that black chap who used to be your butler - er, he was your butler, wasn't he? - and who had the infernal cheek to nick the top job from you back in 'o8. Of course, it's unfortunate that one of the pillars of your campaign is your proud boast to be in the vanguard of women's rights whilst your family trust is in receipt of 'zillions' of dollars from such wonderfully progressive and freedom-loving states as, er, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Algeria and Brunei.
Ah well, you can always use your experience by reaching back to the past and paraphrasing some of your earlier 'escape clauses' such as your memorable "What difference at this point does it make?" which, given that you were referring to four murdered American public servants under your command, it is still amazing that no-one lynched you!
Posted by: JK | Monday, 09 March 2015 at 19:55