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Monday, 20 April 2015


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Usually David changes the pronoun but "Arse it!" he occasionally omits.

(No SoD, you don't have a sister.)

"ITS A BOY" I shouted "A BOY, I DON'T BELIEVE IT, ITS A BOY". And with tears streaming down David's face he swore he'd visit another [nine] Thai brothels!

JK, what would we do without you?
Thanks for reminding me of these little gems.... especially the Duffster in his sarong.
There's a sight or site!

I oughta have a preservation order slapped on me!

Here is something funnier, or sadder:

Dom, that is so offensive in so many ways.
You'd really have to be desperate to join the forces to participate in this crap.
I guess I'm just not a team player.

Beyond parody, Dom!

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