Actually the problem effects the entire country but heh! why spoil a good headline? The problem in a nutshell, or to be precise, a nutter's shell, is Mr. Jeremy Corbyn MP who, according to the polls - yeah, yeah, I know! - is set fair to win the leadership of the Labour party. If for once the polls are right then Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition can look forward to being run by a 'Russell Tsipras' clone! Such a victory would confirm that once again the Labour party has returned to the kindergarten.
For the benefit of my foreign readers, and my Brit readers sensible enough not to get too close to politics, I should explain that Russell Brand Jeremy Corbyn is a genuine North London, pseudo-intellectual loony who will support any quasi-political movement, especially if they carry guns and murder people, and whose political beliefs are somewhere to the Left of Karl Marx. I have often remarked here that it is always the little things that tell you so much about people so if I tell you that Mr. Tsipras, sorry, Mr. Corbyn ditched the second of his three wives and the mother of his children because she insisted that their son attended a Grammar School rather than the rotten , failing Comprehensive which, although it provided a rotten education, complied with 'Comrade' Jeremy's political views.
So if the Labour party wants to implode and thus add to the gaiety of the nation why should I, a miserable, craggy, old reactionary, complain? Well, as my hero, Edmund Burke, made clear, for parliament to work you need two functioning political parties. If Corbyn wins I will not be surprised to see the Labour party split after they lose the next election - or even before! The problem for me is that the Tory party, particularly when it is run by a man who couldn't spell 'ideology' let alone try and work one out for himself, will become increasingly stroppy and rebellious in the absence of a serious threat from the opposition. Europe looms and the 'antis' are gathering their strength. If, as seems probable, 'Dim Dave' returns with little or nothing and still refuses to urge an 'OUT' vote then "there may be troubles ahead" including the possibility of a Tory split. Or, just maybe, his cabinet will insist that either he admits that Berlin-Brussels is adamant on no change and urges a vote accordingly, or he resigns and little Georgie Osborne takes over.
Oh what a shambles!
Pedantic point. For parliament to work, you need at least two functioning political parties. You could have a dozen or more. After the election they can all then shuffle around till they are something we didn't vote for.
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 16:48
Well, BOE, that's sort of what we had in the last parliament with the il-Lib-non-Dems trying to dance a tango with the Tories.
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 19:10
Posted by: Backofanenvelope | Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 21:40
David. I think Tories would be opening the Champers in advance if he wins. I would be more concerned about his intended foreign policy and his Hamas and Hezbollah friends!
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Thursday, 23 July 2015 at 00:22
If, or when, Corbin wins, expect him to annoy his political enemies by inviting people like Ram Jam Choudhary to tea on the members terrace, though hopefully there will be someone sitting close by eating a bacon sandwich!
Posted by: Penseivat | Thursday, 23 July 2015 at 11:43