I ask because Greece has just been conquered without a shot being fired. Greece is no longer an independent state with it's own foreign and economic policies made by its own government and endorsed by its own parliament. It is now the first openly colonial vassal-state of the United States of Europe and its affairs will be run entirely by sundry apparatchiks in Berlin-Brussels. I stress 'openly' because, of course, there are several others, like Portugal, Ireland and Spain whose governments like to pretend that they are independent and they are just so long as they keep repeating, "Ja, mein Herr!". But the Greeks, now, have nothing with which to hide their humiliation.
They, or their political leaders, share much of the blame because none of them had the guts to walk out, suffer mightily, and then gradually regain their prosperity by means of their own efforts and their own currency. The Greek people are not craven. I suspect that at the moment they are seething quietly, still in a state of shock, but as the Euro-ratchets are turned tighter and tighter and ever tighter, shock will give way to fury - and then 'there will be blood'.
I just hope the Euro-fanatics in their arrogance make every effort to crush all Greek opposition using whatever means they have. Similarly, I don't just hope but actually pray that they will swagger on with their policy of insisting that British funds are used to help pay for part of this Greek 'deal'. Little Georgie Osborne is stamping his foot and insisting that we will not pay but the Euro-fanatics are puffed up with 'victory' and they're stupid enough to insist. Good! Then, hopefully, the British people will see the true nature of the leaders of the United States of Europe. 'Dim Dave' now has no chance of coming back from his negotiations (pleadings?) with more than the pickings of his nose! So when the referendum comes, possibly in the midst of a bloody Greek insurrection, then, Britain, you will know what to do - vote 'OUT'!
I think there is a very good chance we'll see violence in Greece as a result of this episode.
Quite clearly there is no prospect of peaceful change and equally clearly the current regime is causing untold anguish for millions of people, and quite pointlessly. When given a chance to vote they voted to change, and have now been quite cynically denied.
If I was a young greek, and I and all my friends and brothers had no job, my father had topped himself because of his debts, and my mother and sisters were selling themselves down behind the derelict industrial site, I'd be scouring the web looking for recipes for home made C4 and acquiring legally or illegally, firearms.
It is axiomatic to me that denied the chance to take control of your own affairs peacefully, a suffering people will turn to violence. And they'd be right to. The Syriza leadership would be first in the firing line, having seized a pyhrric defeat from the jaws of victory.
Don't get me wrong. I loathe political violence. IRA, ISIS, Black Sept-fucking-tember - all bastards. But they had a choice and they opted to murder innocent civilians. The Greeks no longer do, and in my view any part of the political structure which is oppressing them would be a legitimate target.
Posted by: Cuffleyburgers | Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 12:27
All of this theatre to keep an economically dead little country in the Union as a permanent indigent.
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 13:00
Cufflyburgers. The Greeks voted in a left wing anti capitalist government who had two choices. 1. Leave the EU. 2. Negotiate a deal and pay their debts. The left wing government chose the latter and in doing so exposed themselves as frauds. What they did was take their salaries and conned the people.
It is sad to see a nation beind starved into submission by this monstrous EU organisation.
I will get up off my arse and personally campaign to get out. The EU has been trying to weaken the City of London financial centre so they can completely dominate.
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 13:04
Jimmy - for 6 months Syriza did what they were voted in to do. Then after the referendum, they completely caved and have now achieved a worse deal than they could have had. In fact it's one of the worst deals in history.
The idea that people voted OXI thinking they could stay in the euro, in my mind, is mistaken. The EU were quite clear during the campaign. People knew that OXI meant out and they were fine with that. I don't think voters are as stupid as the political class likes to pretend.
The people were voting NO to mass unemployment and permanent depression.
And now, they are being dispossessed as well.
Posted by: Cuffleyburgers | Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 13:50
My advice is to buy popcorn futures as the entertainment continues.
Spain is shaping up to follow Greece down the toilet in the general elections to be called at the end of the year. Amazing how stupid we are.
Posted by: Timbo | Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 15:12