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Monday, 06 July 2015


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At least that woman about to jump recovered her dignity in time.

No matter how you spell it, Sutton Poyntz looks cozy and comfortable to me.

I just googled up some images of Sutton Poyntz. Every shot looks like a postcard. Beautiful! Have fun.

And 'dignity' is everything, 'Whiters'. Sutton Poyntz was as gorgeous as I remember it. I only discovered it a few months ago when I went to give the ladies of the local Women's Institute a talk entitled "Will's Women: A Nun, a Tart & a Dark Lady". They promptly organised a fancy dress competition as to who could dress up best as a nun or a tart! I have never seen so many fish-net stockings and suspenders! And in Sutton Poyntz of all places!

Sutton Poyntz does indeed look lovely. Just the sort of village I would love to live in.
Duffers, you were probably the most exciting speaker the SP WI had in ages. They couldn't resist playing up with the title of your speech!

Possibly, Miss Red, but they insisted that I be the judge. A terrifying ordeal!

Still, it's good to know that English eccentricity is alive and well!

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