For once your distinguished host here at D&N is sitting, or to be precise, slumping, before my computer, shaking my head in disbelief at the sight and sound of the political Left, on both sides of the pond, sailing away to oblivion and I'm finding it difficult to find the right words.
The situation in America is somewhat easier to understand because the woman carrying the Democrat banner for the presidential election, HillBilly', is such an obvious 'lying-liar' that she is almost a caricature of a machine politician at work, crushing all before her and seemingly impervious to all attacks. What she actually stands for or believes in, apart from increasing the wealth of the Clinton Foundation, no-one knows. So it is not too surprising that an old-style, socialist coot, called Bernie Corbyn, ooops, sorry, I mean Bernie Sanders has shuffled onto the stage still wearing his carpet slippers and started preaching some socialist waffle that might have been printed on a leaflet circa 1935. This, of course, is exciting, revolutionary new stuff to the kiddie-winkies who follow him and who, never having been taught history, don't know any better. Comrade Sanders is ably assisted in his revolutionary campaign by the unfortunate fact that daily the Republican party insists on proving that they are incapable of running a piss-up in a brewery.
Meanwhile, over here, Comrade Corbyn, another example of an elderly man who has never changed his mind about anything for fifty years and thus demonstrates both his stupidity and his inability to produce an original thought, appears to be running away with the election to lead the Labour party. He is followed by hordes of more or less the same sort of stupid and ill-educated kiddie-winkies who follow Sanders in the USA. (I should, perhaps, make clear that when I use the term 'kiddie-winkies' I do not mean that they are all young in terms of years, after all, Corbyn and Sanders are both examples of 'grand-fatherly' juveniles!) It is perhaps indicative of the mental 'la-la-land' inhabited by Comrade Corbyn that a headline in The Telegraph today points to a £100 billion hole in his brand, spanking new tax plan for Britain - and the error was spotted by the man who wrote 'Milipede's tax plans before the last election! Why am I not surprised?
Anyway, we watch with some fascination, the British Labour party capering its way towards the cliff of oblivion. Meanwhile 'over there', I maintain the opinion I bored you with months ago, that 'HillBilly' will self-destruct long before the election as her sins of omission and commission catch her up. At that point, step forward - 'FauxCahontas', aka, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the biggest phony since, er, well, Hillbilly, actually!
As I have often remarked, what we need is a collapse in British politics, followed by a realignment that results in voters being given a real choice. I thought it would be your lot, broken up by UKIP. But now it looks as though the Labour party could lead the way. What fun..........
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 09:50
You have it right about Comrade Sanders. He is a place holder for the "lady from Indian country". The Democratic Party can no longer run a Democrat as a candidate. On the other side, the Americans are boiling over with anger. Sir Donald of Trump is a symptom of anger as he is well off enough to say what he wants which makes the PC crowd wet themselves in anger. I enjoy that but don't have any use for Sir Donald. Our domestic pot is boiling.
Posted by: Whitewall | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 12:17
There's a lot of unfocused anger, to be sure. However, even those not terribly angry shudder with disgust at the goings on. The Democrats have followed a subtle strategy of convincing voters that, "they are all like that." For example, when the latest perp is a Democrat, you can tell because the "news" stories do not mention his or her party, until the last or penultimate paragraph, and the Republican? It's often the first word of the headline and the article. "Republican dog-catcher faces inquiries." Since nearly all the papers and the electronic media are Dem propaganda outlets, this is very effective at forming the mind-set of the Low Information Voter. Keep in mind that seventy five percent of all random human populations have an IQ less than one hundred ten, the level at which people can handle abstract concepts. If some of the neo-racialists were to be right, and the average is less than one hundred, the numbers would be worse, but seventy five percent is quite dumb enough. With huge numbers of the smart and educated so steeped in socialism and Rouseavianism, they can be counted upon to dissemninate the party line without asking too many questions. What we are, it rhymes with trucked.
Posted by: Michael Adams | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 16:02
Dammit David !!!
Always ALWAYS remember - when mentioning whatzername - you simply must remember there's twice you gotta press the 'Shift' key along with the 'B' key.
There's right honorable Hillbillies reading here and so long as we see the proper HillBilly we're "Steady as 'e goes" ... but when we get to such a last and final instance where that B ain't capitalized I got to send out a flurry a emails keeping reg'lar Hillbillies from taking to the johnboats and motoring over to invade Somerset.
Posted by: JK | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 16:44
Where've you been, JK?
Posted by: Andra | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 19:46
Andra, JK has been taking ballet lessons. Arkansas style. Let your mind wander.
Posted by: Whitewall | Thursday, 13 August 2015 at 21:57
Right Whitewall "ballet lessons Arkansas 'style" I'm really very sick of North Carolina, ... that'd be where
this lot'd be found no?
Some other stuff ... making reduction of the Federal workforce damn nigh impossible ... NC being about the same as VA (or course you nearing retirement ...
Posted by: JK | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 01:06
Posted by: JK | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 01:24
JK, good to see you. I am already retired. Not as easy as I thought. You are too yet?
Posted by: Whitewall | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 03:27
For God's sake, JK, don't let your hillbillies invade 'Zummerzet' because the result of the inbreeding is simply too horrific to contemplate!
And please, can we have a short video of the 'ballet Arkansas-style' referred to by Whiters? I would like to see how closely it resembles our version:
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 09:06
The silly old men frolicking around with their lesbian sticks (see Sister Wolf for details) look like retired outlaw bicycle gang members trying to avoid jail sentences by pleading insanity.
I missed the message re Arkie ballet lessons.......too abstract for this old Aussie dame. And it's been wine time for several hours now.
Posted by: Andra | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 10:36
Andra. Do not be kidded about the Morris Dancers. Some of them are heavy drinking hard cases. I would be nice to them!
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Friday, 14 August 2015 at 10:58