Alas, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that Scotland and England must soon part company. Lying in bed this morning, I was listening to a report on the radio concerning today's less than fascinating announcement as to who is going to be the new leader of the Scottish Labour Party. It nearly sent me off to sleep again! Apparently, it has some slight relevance because fairly shortly the Jocks will be having an election for their parish council, ooops, sorry, their parliament. Only the fact that they have adopted proportional representation will provide Scottish Labour with a skinny rope to cling to although even then the number of representatives they are likely to get might just about make up a darts team! The reason, of course, is that the ScotsNats have out-flanked them to the Left and if you have porridge for brains and believe all that socialist nonsense then you might as well vote ScotNat and enjoy the thrill of all that (highly suspect) Nationalist twaddle as well. Who said National Socialism died with Hitler?
It is now obvious that the Jocks have barely advanced since the 'great days' under trade union control when the Clyde shipyards and Scottish coalmines would close down with greater regularity than the nationalised railways could manage the punctuality of their trains! Here we are in the 21st century and still most of them believe fervently that socialism, in which the state controls virtually every facet of life, is the way to progress. Here, south of the border, I am delighted to say that a healthy scepticism still holds its own, as the last election proved. Yes, just like the Jocks, there are large swathes of the English population who seem to believe that money falls from government-controlled helicopters but happily there is an even greater swathe that wants to know exactly whose money is being dropped and anyway who paid for the bloody helicopters in the first place?! There is, it seems to me a burgeoning, property-owning middle-class who, whilst they might not have a degree in economics, do have a fundamental understanding that money does not grow on trees.
Thus, 'down here' the 'Corbynistas' may well sweep the board and take control of the Labour party and no doubt they will all be holding hands and singing the 'Internationale' as the Labour party ship is dashed to pieces on the electoral rocks of the English petite bourgeoisie and their firm belief in private property and limited government. But 'up there', the era of a one-party state looms. Of course, it will be "poor, nasty, brutish, and short", not least because in double-quick time it will be subsumed into the 'EUSSR ' where its petit commissars, like Sturgeon, will be allowed "to strut their hour upon the stage" before being told what to do by the likes of 'Juncker the Drunker' in terms far more brutal than they ever heard from the 'timid Timothys' of Whitehall.
Anyway, as some people begin to assess exactly when and how we should begin our withdrawal from Europe, they should also work out just how quickly and cheaply we can dump Scotland and move on!
If the good people of Scotland want a real time peep into the realities of Socialism, though it be a fer piece away, look at Venezuela.
I always wondered where the Law Firm of "poor, nasty, brutish, and short" originated. Now I know.
Posted by: Whitewall | Saturday, 15 August 2015 at 14:00
David. The Nats will probably put a referendum on their manifesto for 2016. They could possibly go for 2017 and have it clash with the EU referendum. They clearly want to stay in the EU and hand over sovereignty to them. As I have said before England should look after No 1.
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Saturday, 15 August 2015 at 15:15
But how much of Britain's economic success and stability since the 1970's (including the fact we got through the banking crisis and out the other side better than all the others) is actually due to us being in the EU?
The austerity and fiscal governance that EU legislation obliges us to conform to, and as law abiding types (unlike the Franks, Latinos and Paddies) we do conform to, that held us in comparative good stead in the last three and a half decades, how much of that would Blighty have actually adhered to if we had been on our own?
Take a look at Corbyn's "People's QE": -
Are you sure that the British voters and the UK constitution is strong enough on its own to avoid the temptation of that?
Isn't it really quite useful that Brit politicians can shrug their shoulders and say: "We can't tax / borrow / print (delete as applicable) to fund such-and-such a project because we'll brush up against our EU obligations. We'd really Love to of course, but sorry, we just can't, ECJ and all that".
Hasn't it been a Godsend that the Left has been hobbled in its natural pro-fiscal excess and monetary laxity ethos by its contradictory stance of being simultaneously pro-EU - and therefore pro- fiscal and monetary prudence nationally?
Oh, you might say, what about Blair and Brown taking us from 34% of GDP through the state up to near 50% and all their borrowing and printing, all done while we were in the EU?
To that I say: Just imagine wtf they would have done if we'd been outside the EU and the rules and regs of the Jerries during their tenure!
Without this constraint, and the hobbling of the Left, don't you think Blighty will revert back to the 1970's before you can say "Red"?
Isn't it better to be in the EU but out of the Eurozone, so we get enough Jerry discipline, but not too much?
Posted by: Lawrence Duff | Sunday, 16 August 2015 at 16:36
No, no and no again! My argument against EU membership lies not in the "dismal science" of economics but in the ages old necessity of living in a free and independent country run by domestic governments under a legal system evolved over centuries, not by a bunch of foreigners most of whom have not lived their entire lives in freedom and democracy and who would have difficulty spelling the words let alone understanding them!
Yes, of course our governments have made mistakes and will continue to do so but every five years we have the chance to give them a smack. When will get the chance to deselect 'Juncker the Drunker' and all his cronies?
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 16 August 2015 at 16:48
"... a free and independent country run by domestic governments under a legal system evolved over centuries, not by a bunch of foreigners"
Apart from Cerdric and his Jerries who crafted the first half, and Billy the Conc and his Normans who crafted the second half, of our "free and independent country ... and ... legal system evolved over centuries", and what have the Euro-foreigners every done for us!? ...
Posted by: Lawrence Duff | Sunday, 16 August 2015 at 18:21
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 17 August 2015 at 09:48
David, a free and independent country running its own affairs! Well fook me with yer shovel mick. We gave that up and lost our credibility and history as a Nation 1976.
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 23:17