Now be honest, did you really listen to Jezza's speech yesterday or like me did you just catch bits of the excerpts on the news and then panic when you couldn't lay hands on the do-flicker-thingie to switch the sound off? From the bits and pieces I did hear it sounded like an endless list of promises of milk and honey and gold sovereigns for your purse but somehow I kept missing the 'HOW' bit! Reading the commentariat this morning, I gather that was because there was no 'HOW' bit, just the promises. This, apparently, is the "new", "honest", Corbyn politics of the future. To me it sounded just like the old politics I have lived through for most of my life. Just tell the suckers the voters what they want to hear but for God's sake don't go into details - you'll only frighten the horses! Fortunately there is an acid test for those of us with "l.m.f." (lack of moral fibre) and thus unfit to sit and listen to a politician for more than 1.6 minutes and that is the reported re-action of all those brain-dead zombies whose social life is so minimalist that they spend their time at Party conferences. Apparently, 'Jezza' was cheered and cheered until the walls trembled. That is all you need to know about the intellectual content of what he had to say yesterday. Yeeeeeeeees, quite!
The guy is a plonker, but many of them are. Some hide it better than others but poor old Jeremy doesn't seem to realise he has something worth hiding. It's good fun though.
Posted by: Uncle Mort | Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 10:10
Exactly. The man's a complete idiot.
Posted by: Oswald Thake | Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 10:34
At one of the blogs, someone mentioned an old BBC show called "1990". I think it is supposed to be something like 1984+6. Anyway, you can find the entire series on YouTube. I'm watching it now. Really great stuff. Something about Corbyn, or any liberal with socialist tendencies, makes me think of the nightmare in 1990.
Posted by: Dom | Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 13:36
David, he is doing what the Scottish Nat sis are doing just talking a lot of crap with no policies or substance. The Nat sis seem to have gotten away with it. I hope you English are not as dumb as our lot.
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 19:14