There was a time, of course, which began during WWII and which was seized upon by the post-war Attlee government when "the man from Whitehall" knew best about everything. Consequently, in support of the national interest, he was given huge powers over every aspect of life in Britain. Gradually, very gradually, his grip around our throats has been eased and now, little 'Georgie-Peorgie' Osborne has announced his intention to free us from the last vestiges of power. Well, two cheers, Georgie, because whilst it all sounds very, er, 'Thatcherite' I can't help wondering if you have thought the matter through.
For a start, back in the day, the "man from Whitehall" probably, in most cases, did know best not least because he was almost certainly better educated and also he enjoyed the national view from the top. The oiks and plebs below could barely see further than their High Streets! Even so, one must acknowledge that these days the 'edukashun' of our top civil servants has been reduced to polytechnic levels and most of them have degrees in joined up writing! However, if that is the case, what do you suppose the level of intelligence is amongst the troglodytes who inhabit your average Town Hall?
As 'Little Georgie' played multiple fanfares to his dream of a "Northern Powerhouse", led by Manchester which is poised to vote into office its first Mayor for several generations, I wondered if he realised that virtually all the City Councillors are Labour! Georgie has handed over to them all powers over business taxation. This is rather like offering a kleptomaniac a day out in Harrods! You only have to look 'over there' to see what happens when once great cities fall into the hands of tax-raising Left-wing cabals. Your 'Powerhouse', Georgie, might end up sounding (and smelling) like a wet fart!
Of course, the economic liberals in the Tory party will be cheering him on with their Freidmanite equivalent of "Power to the People" but as the Lefties ratchet up the business taxes, then one by one the businesses will close or move, laying off workers who will squeal for more benefits, the middle or wannabe-middle classes will quietly move south and, hey-ho, the likes of Manchester will end up like Baltimore or Chicago. So when Manchester and Liverpool go broke, Georgie, who will pick up the unpaid bills?
Jest askin'!
"So when Manchester and Liverpool go broke, Georgie, who will pick up the unpaid bills?"
We could let a nice big northern city go broke pour encourager les autres. Show everyone what happens when free money is given to unproductive activities. I think they have already tried this with NHS Wales, but insufficient people were watching. It is also why Scottish independence would have been "interesting".
The downside would be a massive growth of London as all those who want to work try to grab a piece of the action. Expect the value of your property to drop when the shanty-towns pop up in Henstridge.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Monday, 05 October 2015 at 16:54
No chance, 'W', we'll build a bloody big wall!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 05 October 2015 at 21:28
Well duffers, if, after 70 sodding years of sicialised education, people in Manchester are still incapable of choosing what to have for breakfast without guidance from the bb-bloody-c, its not much of an advert for top down managerialism is it?
Face it, the splendours of this country created themselves without london; rather despite the government.
Not one of your better posts I fear
However, the point needs to be made to the good burghers of Manchester that when the money runs out children will be sold into penury to pay the debts...and it is entiely possible that a politician seeking reelection may not have made that point with sufficient clarity.
Posted by: Cuffleyburgers | Tuesday, 06 October 2015 at 22:39