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Monday, 11 April 2016


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Very disappointed.

You have a Welshman, Irishman and Scotsman but no Englishman while you have a Brit. So being British is English only? No wonder the others want out of the union.

Connolly was right about the nuclear attack on Glasgow. Their teeth would still be falling out.😂

Alas, m'Lud, we don't do equal opportunities on this blog - especially the jokes - but well done for your close analysis!

You said it, Jimmy, not me!

If that many nationalities walk in all at once, Thai or no, who buys?

Well, not the Scotsman!

We just ring the Mess Bell and disappear when the round is up David. Och Aye.

I only noticed because I have seen it before. English people tend to identify as Brits but the outlanders like to have that special status.

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