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Wednesday, 01 June 2016


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Even now I expect Cameron, Clegg and Corbyn are organising the postal vote.

I would not be surprised.

Little Austria might be ground zero for a European revival. Its citizens may be dealing with the reality of just what the official political Left will do if it must to keep power. This is normal behavior for the Left and they justify it simply because of who they are and more so, by just who or what any opposition to them amounts to. I'm struck by how badly the Green Party lost the working middle class vote.

No free people should trust the Left of today.

I suspect the 'fix' is already under way. Among people I know almost nobody wants to stay in yet the polls are reporting even support - just right for remain to claim a slight victory with the minimum of fraudulent votes?
Like you I distrust the Austrian result, and also note the way the french parties worked together to keep out Marie LePen.

For what it's worth, I e-mailed my Vote Leave contact and told him that I hoped the bosses were making sure they had plenty of observers at the count. He assured me they do.

One of the reasons we cousins need to be reading each others' blogs, etc, is that we can learn a great deal about the tricks the other side is using. We might not have figured out that importing cheap third-world labor means importing easy Socialist votes. Thanks for the heads up. Now watch closely as your vote counts are manipulated. We have a hundred year history of that, and many more such occurrences in the past fifty six years. Kennedy won the Presidency in the rot-wards of Chicago, and the Dems' fiefdoms in South Texas.


"We might not have figured out that importing cheap third-world labor means importing easy Socialist votes."

Well, Blair and Brown worked that one out and Obama and the Dems learned the lesson which is part of the reason why this may be the last chance for the Republicans to win a presidency.

Don't worry toooo much, DD. The right/Tories/Republicans etc. are always being told they'll never win again - and yet they generally do, eventually.

You may be right, 'H', but we haven't had Tory government here since 1990! And we certainly do not have one now.

"For what it's worth, I e-mailed my Vote Leave contact and told him that I hoped the bosses were making sure they had plenty of observers at the count. He assured me they do"

And you believed him ?

I stand behind Willard Duncan Vandiver - you have to show me !

kind regards

Once again I had to depend on 'Uncle Wiki' but thank you, David, yet again I learn something new!

I believe the MSM have been leaned on not to publish exit polls for the EU referendum.

If so, this is presumably so that the discrepancy between the exit polls and the "official" result is not too obvious.

Also, on the matter of who wins elections, Juncker has recently made it clear how things are now:

"Under powers given to the commission in 2014, he [Juncker] can trigger a “rule of law mechanism” for countries that depart from democratic norms by putting a government under constitutional supervision. Ultimately, a country can be stripped of voting rights in the EU or have funding blocked."

For the avoidance of doubt, in this context "depart from democratic norms" means elect a government that doesn't hold the approved left-wing standard opinions on everything.

In other words, elect a government you like but the EU doesn't, and they will remove it.

Remember, they already did this in Greece and in Italy; they're making threatening noises at Poland right now, and Hungary is probably next on the list.

"In other words, elect a government you like but the EU doesn't, and they will remove it.". It's becoming clear who and what your enemy is.

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