For reasons I have frequently stated before - you remember, I'm a hopeless forecaster - I intend to keep my prognostications for the future of British and European politics to vague allusions, a sort of compendium of 'well, possibly, this' or 'on the other hand maybe that' but 'there again, even none of the above'. So if you have come here expecting to find keen analysis and structured forecasts for the future I suggest you try the astrologer in your local newspaper.
Mind you, to state that the second major casualty, following the political deaths of 'Dave 'n' George', is the Labour party is simply to restate what is on every front page today. The deliciously ironic situation in which the majority of Labour MPs in Westminster think that 'Jezza' is a total prat, whilst the mass of the ordinary membership, inflated as it has been by zillions of juveniles joining for a few quid, think that 'Jezza' is the new Trotsky (which he is!) means that - stand by, here comes a tentative forecast! - the Labour party will become a minor cult organisation like the Flat Earth Society. As the 'kiddie-winkies' try to destroy their own MPs, and the MPs try, somehow, to expunge their own party members, the last man standing will be left to contemplate a political landscape not too different from that portrayed in Cormac McCarthy's bleak, apocalyptic vision in "The Road".
Meanwhile, back at the Tory party ranch, the 'Inners' and 'Outers' are 'tooling up' ready for their equivalent of a Napoleonic square forming up ready to fire but facing inwards! Obviously Cameron and Osborne are already on their way to the casualty clearance station, although it should be noted that 'little Georgie' is keeping very quiet and may be ready to throw in his lot with the 'Outers'. I trust that Boris and Gove, the likely winners of the political crown, will have the good taste and acumen to send this useless, failed, lying toe-rag on his way. Not, mind you, that they should attempt to exclude the very many 'Outers' who, nimble political acrobats as they are, will change their minds instantly at the slightest whiff of political office!
But now, alas, we must reluctantly turn our attention to Berlin-Brussels. Who-ever leads the Tory government over the next few years must cut a deal with the apparatchiks who, bless their smelly socks, did so much to convince a majority of the 'Great British Public' (GBP) to vote for Brexit. The likes of 'Junck the Drunk' and his bureaucratic cronies have suffered a major trauma and, in their Continental way, they are eager to ensure that 'there will be blood'. However, it is gradually impinging on their tiny dictatorial minds that the amazing example of Britain exerting its democracy is going to have a galvanising effect on the other peoples of Europe many of whom will be muttering that if those damn Brits can do it, why can't we?' I doubt, somehow that 'Junck' and his, er, 'colleagues' will hold back from their deep desire to inflict damage on Britain, after all, they smashed the Greeks into submission and bullied the Italians into taking on a prime minister that no-one had voted for, so, they think, what's so different about the Brits? However, there are some calmer and more considered voices emanating from Berlin - and that's where the real-politik resides!
Meanwhile, back in 'this septic Isle', the new regime must institute some immediate changes, starting with the dismissal of that stupid 'Canuck' (or something beginning with 'c') who runs the Bank of England and who stepped out way beyond his area of responsibility. He was always Osborne's pick and puppet and he must go. Next up to be blindfolded and stood against a wall is Cameron's glove puppet, Sir Jeremy Heywood, the top man in the civil service who, despicable wretch that he is, ruined the reputation of his service by failing to remain neutral in the great debate.
What I would like to see is Boris as Prime Minister and Gove as Chancellor. I'm not too sure about Boris, only time will tell, but he eventually took his courage and his political future in his hands and committed to 'Brexit' so he deserves his reward. Another contender is Theresa May although I cannot imagine why! She has been utterly useless as Home Secretary where she is responsible for controlling immigration. Unlike Boris she lacked the guts to commit to 'Brexit' but refused to support the 'Remainers' with any enthusiasm. I hope that Boris, in imitation of his hero, Winston, will try and heal Tory wounds by employing his erstwhile opponents in the 'Remain' camp.
Finally, I hope that Nigel Farage will be employed in a suitably high-ranking role. He, above all men, was responsible for forcing dim and cowardly 'Dave' to hold a referendum. And he, and his party, were responsible for articulating what a huge swathe of the working class were thinking and feeling. You could say, without exaggeration, 'it wos 'Nige' wot won it!'
Yeah right, you'll be lucky if any of those twats have the balls to trigger article 50 ...
... or the brains to do anything worthwhile with it if they did trigger it.
That's the two things they know: Their own fecklessness, and that triggering article 50 will be hell for whoever does it and the end of their political career.
Meanwhile, you can be sure Juncker, Merkel, Hollande, et al will have more than enough gonads and brains between them to do whatever it takes to shore up the EU, including, but not limited to: -
1. Expropriating the banking sector from London.
2. Selling all the Beamers, VW's, etc. that whatever is left of Britain won't be able to afford, to Putin in exchange for a steady supply of nice cheap oil and gas.
3. Contributing to the disintegration of the UK "pour encourager les autres" - not that it will need much of a contribution.
4. Doing the reforms necessary to stave off criticism of democratic deficiency (JK take note), which will put the EU light years ahead of Britain's anachronistic, deformed, and dysfunctional democracy.
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 18:49
You see what's happened and happening?
BoJo, Gove, et al all thought Dave would stand by his word, press the article 50 button, and spend the next 10 years of his life "doing all the shit", as he put it!
Now Dave has said "fuck off", BoJo and Gove are nowhere to be seen coz they were expecting to have to "do all the shit" and don't wanna - explains their funereal expressions on announcement of their "victory"!
Nor does any politician want to press the article 50 button, live through a decade of hell, be blamed for the shambles at the end, and have their career trashed.
Too funny for words!
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 18:58
Typo: "were expecting to have to "do all the shit"" should be "weren't" not "were".
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 19:00
Keerist SoD, you're gonna wear youself plumb out! (And mebbe us too) David? You've fed yer kid too much sucrose over the recent hours, Wean him!
SoD! Chill out man ... its only been what, 72 or so hours?
Its called The Fog of War for a reason Loz.
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 19:28
The referendum has effectively called Britain's bluff.
Britain's deformed democracy is unable to follow through with the "will of the people", its political class are cowardly and feckless, and its voters dim beyond redemption.
Instead of the EU being the "democratic deficient", dysfunctional institution in our midst, and Blighty the treasure of democratic achievement, courage, and capability, it was actually the other way round!
I wonder how the EU will react to this specifically? Will they chuck Britain out? Or will they let us rot on the hook of our own cowardice and incompetence, and expropriate all the banks, finance, pharma, and tech industries and quality labour while we're still in the single market that allows the freedom of movement of capital and people!
Oh, what a fitting end to Britain: Being seen at last for the spectacularly useless twat it is - in the most spectacular way possible.
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 19:38
Brilliant summation ...
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 19:57
Oh well, I suppose the adrenaline pumping loco-motive must run its course. But hopefully - and I dare not much - Loz' unner-kin comes to the realization that runnin' on "panic mode" 24/7 has a downside.
Here ya go SoD ... headphones and volume!
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 20:25
Not Boris, please. There is the very strong suspicion that he only became Eurosceptic just before the campaign in order to lever himself into the top job. Sort of like Corbyn in reverse. And check out the man's record: he has not been conspicuously successful at anything he has undertaken. Journalism, being an MP, running London, being a decent husband.
Interesting thought about Osborne. I cannot imagine he could possibly now discover an "outist" streak to his sensibilities. Were he to do so, he would have to admit that all that stuff about the "punishment budget" was a complete fabrication. A year ago he was sitting pretty, but he now seems comprehensively stuffed. The less we hear from him, the better for all concerned.
Interesting column from Peter Hitchens in the MoS today about a realignment of parties in the UK. It's likely that recent events are of such a magnitude that who leads the current Conservative Party is a bit of a side-show. We need hard-headed anonymous negotiators to save whatever we can from the European spivs and dictators, to be sure. But look elsewhere for the long-term political future.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 20:53
My friends and colleagues beaten up in Marlow, of all places, a year ago for merely speaking English in a foreign accent in a high street pub, my partner, Fluffbun, routinely verbally abused at work for being a foreigner. Now finally the media start to report these random acts of abuse and violence by the Brexiteers: -
With real skin in this game, it's hardly surprising I'm more vocal than usual.
And now it's time for some direct action of our own: -
Be there - or be a Worzel Gummidge.
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 20:55
"[F]riends and colleagues beaten up .. a year ago."
"Now finally the media start to report these random acts of abuse and violence by the Brexiteers."
Soak that in SoD.
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 22:12
One year ago today;
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 22:35
Also, from one year ago today:
That would be a "Yes" I take it?
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 22:44
Look who's back! : -
So you've still got two posh boys in charge, the leader being a confirmed liar, cheat, and betrayer (of London), and the other one half of the original pair you despised!
Never mind, remember they're British (until the whole rotten edifice falls apart), so that's alright then!
Posted by: Loz | Monday, 27 June 2016 at 05:51
Well Duff, they owe it all to you and your indomitable and insufferable, not to mention interminable, utterances.
Surely the knighthood can't be far away now!
Sir David...... sounds OK.
Posted by: Andra | Monday, 27 June 2016 at 07:24
Now the EU membership is out of the way the Conservatives can after 40 years unite. Labour can squabble and they will for some time to come. So the referendum for us on the right is for now good news.
SoD. Sod off.
Osborne says his dodgy statements and dossiers pre-Brexit are not true post Brexit. That's politics for you. Liars and shysters the lot of them.
German industry says no tariffs trade as usual. We knew they would.
Posted by: Antisthenes | Monday, 27 June 2016 at 09:01
SoD - Haven't you got a day job to do?
It seems your father failed to convince you of the rightness of the brexit cause over the weeknd? Hope you enjoyed your party anyway!
I'm not going to gloat too hard because it is un-British and besides there's many a slip twixt cup and lip as our northern cousins like to say when they're not cheering on the Jamaican women netball team.
Posted by: Cuffleyburgers | Monday, 27 June 2016 at 13:34
"many a slip twixt cup and lip", exactly so, Cuffers, see my latest post.
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 27 June 2016 at 14:05