That might be the title of another play from 'Old Will' were he still around to chronicle our current programme of "events, dear boy, events". In his absence, alas, you will have to make do with me - yeeeeees, quite! It is a pity Will's not here because the reign of 'King David II' needs the imagination of a playwright of genius to make it even slightly interesting - as opposed to, say, the story of randy old 'King David I' of the Lloyd George ilk who was a liar and rogue of epic proportions ruling during a time of huge danger and crisis and therefore of considerable interest. By contrast, 'David II' was a lightweight ruler whose elegantly suited arse barely made an impression on the cushion of his throne in No. 10.
He was a prime minister of whom it might reasonably be asked, "Why are you here and what are you for?" Of course, that question would probably have been met by a shrug and a superior smile and possibly an answer along the lines of 'I'm here because I'm here'. Or as Max Hastings puts it in a must read essay in The Mail:
This prime minister has always treated government as a tactical game, aimed at getting himself through to next Tuesday rather than seeking to take this country towards some appointed destination.
He only fired the starting pistol for the referendum because he was so 'frit' (now who used that word?) at the inexorable rise of UKIP. He might have done better to put the pistol in his mouth and pull the trigger, except that would probably have missed!
Well, that is one method of dentistry.
Posted by: Whitewall | Saturday, 25 June 2016 at 12:43
You now have a rough equivalent of the US's own George W. Bush. Congratulations.
Posted by: Bob | Saturday, 25 June 2016 at 14:09