But at least his lying is consistent with his political fantasy philosophy being, as it is, bereft of any rationality (as he would call it) or truth (as we would call it). Here is our poor, little socialist leader suffering at the cruel hands of that bloated 'zillionaire', Sir Richard Branson, who owns Virgin Trains:
How dare they?! The elderly leader of Her Majesty's (more or less) loyal opposition forced to sit on the floor of a train from London to Newcastle because there were no seats available. You see, the leader of the labour party "suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" (er, well, Branson's fortune anyway) just like the rest of you put-upon proles. Something must be done! There is only one answer - nationalise the railways!
Of course, having a large staff around you to arrange all the details of your every waking hour, you might think that someone could have booked some seats in advance for an engagement which had been in the diary for weeks but then, you proles just don't realise that when every part of your being is wrapped up in plans to turn Britain into a workers' paradise, there isn't time to bother with petty, little details. And anyway, it now transpires that the whole thing was a load of make-believe 'blx' because, of course, there were plenty of seats available and the security video kindly released by that nice 'zillionaire', Sir Richard Branson, shows 'Jezza' walking past dozens of them until he found just the spot for a nice agit-prop photograph to fool all you dim-witted proles.
Thus, one is left with the gloomy knowledge, well, gloomy if you are a supporter of the Labour party, that not only is Jezza hopeless at thinking through a practical political agenda that anyone outside of a Polytechnic Trot faction would dismiss as barmy, the silly old coot can't even manage the very basic skill required by every politician from every party - the art of lying. It's a good job he frequently wears sandals because I doubt that he could actually tie his own shoe-laces!
Never mind, at least he won't have to pay himself to get his clothes cleaned. The Nationalised HoC has a nice scheme whereby they will pay a Privatised cleaners to do that.
Jolly lucky the carriage door did not fly open like those lovely Nationalised BR ones used to do.
And it looks like he did not spend a lot of his meal allowance on that pic-nic that he is sitting on.
In the end he got a seat but we do not know if his loyal entourage managed to get seats. Or did they all have to go and stand in the nasty Virgin bar and spend our money?
Posted by: Doonhamer | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 11:31
I am sure that Sod will be quick to remind us that Juncker and Schultz are much more competent liars as well as having private jets for that sort of trip, and so that is why they should be allowed to rule over us.
Posted by: Cuffleyburgers | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 12:36
Odd that Western governments always battle it out between a Red Leftism that can't die and stay dead vs a center Rightism that can't survive unless it drifts Leftwards in the name of progress. No way to run a railroad, or airline etc. The Left needs the best liars while the Right needs the best collaborators.
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 13:04
Juncker has finally gone off the deep end?
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 13:29
Recommended reading: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/aug/21/death-of-neoliberalism-crisis-in-western-politics
Posted by: Bob | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 21:20
Bob, don't think me ungrateful but I was going to ignore your link to 'The Graun' on the grounds that is amongst the stupidest rags that no-one ever reads. But, realising that would be impolite, I did click on it and then saw the name of the writer - Martin Jaques, a died-red-in-the-wool commie who has been wrong about almost everything since the early '60s. So, sorry and all that but I'll give it a miss!
Posted by: David Duff | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 21:34
I felt the same way about the Guardian piece and its author, but did see some fair points and some subtle paranoia over what may be our co-future between Britain and the US. The straight faced mention of Thomas Piketty did not help. It would have been a more helpful article if it had mentioned a huge monetary event in 1972...I suspect we all remember it and felt it, especially when using currency exchanges for travel and business.
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 22:04
David, you old reactionary, the Gaurdian is relatively popular in the US, where it has about 13 million readers. Martin Jacques was and possibly still is a communist, which I agree is a failed philosophy. People do change, however. Do you also dismiss David Horowitz? Try to be more open minded, like Whitewall.
Posted by: Bob | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 22:49
David, East Coast Trains are a conglomerate and the Virgin name is just a name. I think Stagecoach may be the big holder. But I may be wrong!
When taken over by the government a few years back after privatisation failure the train company succeeded however the Tories gave it back to the Spivs.
Posted by: jimmy glesga | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 23:28
"the Gaurdian is relatively popular in the US, where it has about 13 million readers"
Now I know you're going bonkers 'over there'!
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 25 August 2016 at 09:43
Thirteen million in a population of three hundred and thirty million? Not so popular, really.
Posted by: Michael Adams | Thursday, 25 August 2016 at 17:29