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Wednesday, 11 October 2017


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Why retire Duffers? If people want you to speak on a subject about which you are passionate and can hold their attention you should continue to do so.

If you are tired of doing so then fair enough but you are a long time "under the daisies" and you need to make the most of your time above them doing the things you like.

AussieD is right... "for the last dozen years or so I have droned my way round the South West". Well, the South East is still wide open!

Have you considered having one final encore recorded and uploaded to Youtube, for posterity?

That's a good idea, Fred. Surprised to see Troilus and Cressida in your runner up place, David. Perhaps I'm a bit jaundiced as I had to read the Chaucer version at school, but it's hardly ever quoted is it, unless there are some bits where the source is unacknowledged.

Posterity deserve better than me droning on and on, Fred, and anyway I do enough of it here at D&N!

Mike, there all sorts of reasons why I admire T&C. It is a vicious satire men and their follies as we watch the Greeks encamped outside Troy planning its destruction which will cost an ocean of blood, and for what? For a woman, Helen, whom the French would dismiss as 'une grande horizontale'!

Also, it contains one small interchange outside the city between Ulysses the Greek and Hector the Trojan which brings in that deeply mysterious element that frequently fascinated 'old Will' - time!

I know your favor, Lord Ulysses, well.
Ah, sir, there’s many a Greek and Trojan dead
Since first I saw yourself and Diomed
In Ilion, on your Greekish embassy.

Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue.
My prophecy is but half his journey yet,
For yonder walls that pertly front your town,
Yon towers, whose wanton tops do buss the clouds,
Must kiss their own feet.

I must not believe you.
There they stand yet, and modestly I think
The fall of every Phrygian stone will cost
A drop of Grecian blood. The end crowns all,
And that old common arbitrator, Time,
Will one day end it.

So to him we leave it.

Thanks, David, I shall have to have another look at it (or even a first look!)

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