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Monday, 23 October 2017


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Franceska truly stayed beautiful in the face of evil right to the very end.

You are right David - there are no words to describe the courage of this lady. Happened within living memory too - worth remembering.

My father's mother's maiden name was Rosenberg, which was Franceska's maiden name. Since my paternal grandmother was the oldest of 13 children, there is a good chance that Franceska was her niece, which would have made her my father's first cousin. My father was born in Warsaw, Poland, and his whole family was living in Warsaw when the Nazis invaded.

"Keep your good heart. Become a person who lets himself be guided primarily by warmth and humanity. Learn to think and judge for yourself, responsibly. Don't accept everything without criticism and as absolutely true... The biggest mistake of my life was that I believed everything faithfully which came from the top, and I didn't dare to have the least bit of doubt about the truth of that which was presented to me. ... In all your undertakings, don't just let your mind speak, but listen above all to the voice in your heart."

An authoritarian pervert sees the light.


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