Hallelujah, he's almost there! I refer, of course, to (Sir) Lewis Hamilton who strolled home to victory in the Japanese Grand Prix. That damned Hun was forced to retire in the first few laps, talk about crying, I nearly was - with laughter! He now has a lead of 59 points and is virtually assured of the world championship and I understand Her Maj is already polishing the sword she will use to tap his shoulders - jolly good show!
Hey, 'Harve' baby, why don'cha make a film of it? Last night I went to bed with the image of a rather attractive lady, Ms. Lisa Bloom, who was proud, I tell ya', proud to be Mr. Weinstein's legal advisor against those monstrous allegations from, er, well, several other attractive ladies, actually. Ms. Bloom is famous for her campaigns to further women's rights so it was a bit of a surprise to find her holding 'Harve's' hand and mopping his brow, so to speak. Well, it didn't last because overnight she blew him out - no, no, not that sort of 'blowing' - do behave! The lady walked leaving poor old 'Harve' to fight his own battles. Apparently the sight and sound of sundry bigwigs in the Democrat party all scurrying for cover and desperate to look as though they are paying back the 'yuuuuuge' dollops of 'moolah' they have received over the years from 'Harve' has the makings of a new comedy film.
Bloody English weather! Waddya mean, 'stop being boring'! It's an Englishman's privilege to bore on - and on - about the weather. Take today, f'rinstance! I had a tedious job to do out in my car-port. That's alright, I thought, it will be freezing cold and bucketing down with rain which gives me the excuse to put it off for another day. What do we get? A bloody mini-heat wave with glorious sunshine and barely a breeze!
I wouldn't mind a detention from her: This week, an attractive, 23-year old teacher was jailed for giving a lad of 15 a blow job. Crikey, it wasn't like that back in my schooldays! Actually, I'm rather glad because none of the lady teachers I had were exactly hot. One I remember well was Miss P. an elderly, spinster lady who taught History. She was one of those tragic ladies whose fiancée was killed in WWI and she never married. Later, much later, I wondered how she managed to teach the history of the first world war without weeping. Different age, different people, I guess!
His Lordship had it right, back 1887: Lord Salisbury summed it up rather well at the Queen's Jubilee:
On opening the People's Palace in the East End in May 1887, the Queen had heard something she described to Lord Salisbury as "a horrid noise" quite new to the Queen's ears, "booing" she believes it's called. Salisbury was 'much grieved' to hear it: "London contains a much larger number of the worst kind of rough than any other great town in the island; for all that is worthless, worn out, or penniless, naturally drifts to London. He blamed the booing not on the undertow of republicanism that existed in some parts of London at the time, but exclusively on the socialists and the Irish, "very resentful men who would stick at nothing to show their fury".
So, not much change there then! Thanks to Salisbury: Victorian Titan by Andrew Roberts.
The car of your dreams:
Credit: WestYorks Police RPU/Twitter
Although, in this case it might have been a wet dream - no, no, not that sort, I mean tears of sorrow, behave! This Lamborghini would cost you around £160,000, give or take the odd penny, and the not-so-lucky owner had prepared it ready for his wedding. Enter stage left, a latter-day Constable Dogberry from the West Yorks constabulary and towed it away because there was no insurance for it. Wonder how the groom's wedding night went?!
Not so much interesting times as confusing times: Well, things are certainly confused 'over here' but 'over there' they are becoming more interesting by the day. I have just read a piece at The American Thinker which suggests that the hitherto solidly 'blue' (ie, Democrat) states of the north east might be on the turn to red (ie, Republican). What can one say, except 'Heavens to Betsy'? The report is based on the work of Ms. Salena Zito - no, me neither! - who writes for the New York Post and who was that rarest of rare specimens who forecast a Trump win last year. She has been undertaking some 'on the ground' investigating in New England and she detects, after decades of Democrat rule going back as far as the shoddy Kennedys, some distinct signs of a revolt.
Last November, while most of the country was either cheering Donald Trump’s presidential win or making an appointment with their therapist about how to cope with the results, New Englanders in four out of the region’s six “blue” states — Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine — woke up the next morning with four Republican governors.
No more rumbles today
Why would anyone be surprised by this - I thought all women (and men) got there start in hollywood on their knees!
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 12:57
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 12:57
"Remember when Democrats accused Republicans of waging a war on women? This guy was visiting the White House at the same time.
"The Democrats’ Harvey Weinstein Problem Solved: Deflect It, Revise It, Bury It"
There can be no evil on the Left.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 13:13
David, would you like to borrow a hurricane?
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 14:52
We have a saying over here that Washington is Hollywood for ugly people.
Posted by: Bob | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 15:20
I had a French teacher nickname "rubber gob" nothing to do with sex, in her sixties, her mouth got round French vocabulary with nothing else on her face moving.
Also chemistry master in his thirties looked in his fifties, spent three years with the Japs, he could not understand why the Americans only unleashed two A bombs.
Posted by: Peter Whale | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 17:02
Emperor Hirohito announced Japan's surrender on August 15. I don't think a third bomb was available yet.
Posted by: TheBigHenry | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 17:55
Booing? Back then, Young Englanders maybe? Or Chartists maybe? Depends on the class I guess.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 18:12
Attending school around the mid fifties there were many elderly spinsters amongst the teachers who, looking back, were the result of the savage trench warfare of the first lot. One in particular, a Miss Hill taught us elocution and singing. She correctly identified me as a drone early on and moved me to the back of the choir.
Posted by: Timbo | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 19:53
Timbo, a bit like the choirmaster when me and my two scallywag mates volunteered for his choir because we heard you could earn half-a-crown singing for a wedding. I was asked to leave after half an hour!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 08 October 2017 at 19:57
There is nothing new in teacher/pupil romances. I was at Grammar School from 1949 to 1954 and the year I left one of the female staff ran off with one of the boys in my year. She had the good sense to wait until the school had broken for summer holidays, so technically he was no longer her pupil.
Posted by: John Duckett | Monday, 09 October 2017 at 03:48
Dammit, I knew I was at the wrong Grammar School!
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 09 October 2017 at 10:13