Honestly, I don't spend every day checking the DT obits to check whether I have a mention but I do check every so often because some people have had fascinating lives. Today we bid farewell to Squadron Leader Franciszek Kornicki who despite all the dangers he faced as a fighter pilot during WWII managed to reach his century - good innings, Sir! I thought it was appropriate to give him a mention given SoD's analysis in an earlier comment thread pointing out what terrific aerial warriors the Poles were during the war.
Dziękuję, dowódco eskadry which Google Translate assures me means 'Thank you, Squadron Leader'
Shame he had to bear the burden of the Brexit decision for the last year of his life.
Some farewell.
Posted by: Loz | Friday, 24 November 2017 at 15:00
A true fighter against German domination. Just like the poles resisting German domination of the EU now.
Posted by: Peter Whale | Friday, 24 November 2017 at 15:30