Polite notice: Today you might not get much of a 'rumble', more like a series of occasional squeaks because my services are required hither and thither - dammit!
Cruel and unusual punishment: I refer, of course, to the current Ashes series taking place 'down under there' in which the England rounders, ooops, sorry, cricket team are being totally humiliated by those cruel Aussies. They should round up all those so-called English cricketers and send them back home as convicts in a prison ship. Incidentally, I am deeply grateful to my e-pal, 'AussieD', who has demonstrated his qualifications as an officer and a gentleman by not coming on here and howling with laughter!
Jezza, a man of principle? You're 'avin' a laugh! 'They seek him here, they seek him there, they seek that Jezza everywhere!' But according to Dan Hodges, in excellent form at The Mail, when it comes to Brexit 'ye may seek but you shall not find!' When it comes to Brexit, the slimy little 'git' is everywhere and no where.
Peter Hitchens puts the boot into Archbishop 'Weasel' Welby: Hitchens is another stalwart, like Charles Moore, who has defended the reputation of the late Bishop Bell against the wicked and stupid trashing of his reputation by the Church hierarchy. This sums up his view:
George Bell, facing much sterner tests in much tougher times, repeatedly chose moral courage over popularity. And that is why Justin Welby is not fit to lace up George Bell's shoes, and why his pretensions to be a moral leader of this country are taken less and less seriously by thinking people.
"You can’t please all of the erotomaniacs all of the time": That is a line from a very amusing book review by Rowan Pelling at The Spectator. The book concerned is Buzz: A Stimulating History of the Sex Toy written by a very naughty American gal, Hallie Lieberman. Did you know that sex toys are still forbidden in Louisiana? Mind you, there's no problem if your, er, turn on is a Colt .45! Read the review and enjoy a chuckle.
Truly, one of the funniest films I have ever seen! Happily, the late Jaques Tati's creation lives on in the bumbling form of M. Nicolas Hulot, the French Environment Minister. This man is 'green' in every sense of the word and is determined that La France will give up all those foul, smelly, evil petrol and diesel cars which do so much damage to the environment. Oh, mon Dieu, now we learn that he actually owns and runs six cars, a motor boat and a motorbike, all of which are powered by internal combustion engines. Merde alors!
No more rumbles today
Duffers your lot have not played badly. In fact they have done rather well against one of the best bowling attacks in the history of the game.
It ain't over yet mate.
Posted by: AussieD | Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 09:41
"...the man on the boat, you’ll want to go out to sea every day!"
David, you know I have mentioned my love for fishing many times. Sometimes I think it is an adiction. Deep sea or shallow, suits me fine. It keeps me young.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 17:41
The in-a-nutshell example of public sector authoritarianism ...
"Spends money, kills people".
Posted by: Loz | Monday, 18 December 2017 at 08:16
Ah one of my favourite films, Les Vacances de M. Hulot
Posted by: missred | Monday, 18 December 2017 at 12:31
Ah, dear Miss Red, you are obviously a lady of discernment and blessed with an excellent sense of humour.
Posted by: David Duff | Monday, 18 December 2017 at 12:38