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Tuesday, 08 May 2018


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You could throw a wonderful 'cockers P.'(that's naval jargon for cocktail party) on our shiny new carriers. So wonderful in fact that one could be forgiven for thinking that that was their intended function.

What ho old chap!


I read that various countries ,ie China and Russia are working on rockets so fast that they do not need explosives ,the sheer inertia of a hunk of metal doing 4000 mph will destroy pretty well anything. I don't doubt that they will sell these weapons to the nearest terror group so what is the bloody point?
Now there may be a few sh*tholes left that we haven't invaded so I suppose sending HMS Stoodstill might throw the natives into a dance of terror but honestly I doubt it.
I've already bought 3 Concordes and a Nuclear submarine through the kind auspices of HMRC so can I be let off this one Sir?

Littoral combat ships working with full size carriers can be quite effective. Not all carriers must be seen for their aircraft at all times. Some carriers are effective instruments of 'diplomacy'.

My brother the FA-18 pilot (who me brag?) would say they are useful. It gives young men a goal to become a top gun!

Some carriers are effective instruments of 'diplomacy'.

G'day Whitewall. For at least two centuries the Royal Navy was the most efficient long range "instrument of diplomacy" the world had seen. The ability to make your point is greatly enhanced by the presence of a man of war whether it was a ship of the line, one of Jacky Fisher's dreadnoughts or in today's world a USN carrier.

It's not unusual to have a learning curve for producing cutting edge technology. At least no one will have to go into orbit to fix a ship drive like they did for the Hubble telescope lens.

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