Well, as far that dim-witted, old fool, Jeremy Corbyn, is concerned, at least that's one lying-liar shown up as the drooling, sycophantic fan of murderous fanatics that he is! No more will we have to reach for the sick-bag each time some brain dead 'Leftie' describes him as a sweet-natured, lover of Mankind. Now we know! Here he is reverentially laying a wreath on the graves of cold-blooded killers in the company of sundry killer-controllers.
As far as dear, sweet, lovely 'Jezza', the 'Man of the People', is concerned you are 'dead man walking' if you're Jewish. Whether his Jew-hatred extends to other political foes, like elderly Tory-voting Brits, no-one can be sure but I may have to emigrate if that despicable, old perv, who gets his rocks off pandering to Jew-killers, ever becomes Prime Minister of Britain! Mind you, if the likes of his deputy, the sinister John McDonnell, 'eliminates', so to speak,' Jezza' and becomes our very own "Dear Leader" then you had all, Jew or non-Jew, be very careful not to be labelled 'an enemy of the people'. As dear old Lavrentiy Beria might have put it: 'Ve haf vays of eliminating you!'
John McDonnell ooops, sorry, Lavrentiy Beria
ADDITIONAL: Alas and alack, I broke my own golden rule which states, more or less, that I must not write a post when I am in Grump Factor100 and to rub it in I have just read a well-crafted piece by Alex Massie at The Coffee House which more or less says what I was trying to say but with far more elegance and much greater penetration. Give it a read!
Always room in Oz for an ex-para.
It is dangerous to be the friend of the enemies of Israel. A lesson Jezza may learn if he is not careful about who he snuggles up to.
Posted by: AussieD | Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 12:24
The roots of the problem is that Corbyn and the rest of Left have thrown in their lot with the Arabs. Their primary policy is the murder of all Jews, not just the Israelis.
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 12:33
The Leftist has mastered "Using the Truth to Lie". They master it because they must.
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 12:52
It's striking how much Corbyn's isolationist and nativist impulses mirror those of the far right over here. Maybe there's something to that "horseshoe" theory.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 14:04
He is a man with no opinions, never tells what he thinks about issues, because he is unable to defend his views specifically ,only in the general," I am against all violence" sticking plaster he always has ready.
If he doesn't tell us his opinion on Brexit,Iran, HS2, Burkas, Heathrow etc etc , he doesn't have to defend it , so the multitudes will effectively give him a free pass.
Our justly reviled press will do nothing to break the JC bubble of unaccountability, their courage locker leaked out long ago.
Posted by: graham b | Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 08:33
If there was a Nobel prize for consistency, he would win it. For 30 years he has sat in Parliament and opposed everything.
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 09:48
That Corbyn can actually hang around in public is only a signal that the left has entered its decadent late phase, and it is deeply vulnerable. Deeply vulnerable to better ideas that bring competence and unity. These things that are anathema to the left. The fact that the likes of Donnell is his back up only seems to underscore. We have the same sort of thing with the American left.
Now somebody needs to step forward from the other side with better ideas that can actually work and make life better.
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 12:21