. . . just one of those totally, shitty, irritating, nothing goes right days and as it was problems with my computer - I blame 'SoD'! Well, he is my IT Manager even if he doesn't get paid for it! Surely it is sufficient that he can place me on his list of clients and gain 'yuuuuuuuuuuge' kudos when he hawks his CV around - not that I get any thanks for it!
Anyway, actually I think it was the wrong time of the month for Typepad because it was whilst 'talking' to them that things began to go wrong. Of course, there is an additional factor in that I don't speak 'computerese'. I mean, I hear or read all those terms used by the likes of 'SoD' and all the other 'square-heads' who understand these black boxes but I can never remember what they mean. So when 'SoD' or one of those gorgeous blondes who operate the Help Line at Typepad - how do I know they're gorgeous blondes, because I just do, now 'shaddup' and pay attention! - ask me what "browser" I am using, there is an embarrassed silence whilst I try to remember what a "browser" is when it's at home!
You see, I operate (if that is quite the word!) my computer on a very simple system - and I heard that! - just so long as I do more or less exactly the same thing today as I did yesterday, and the day before that, then all is well but if one thing doesn't work then it is 'collapse of stout party' whilst I click every button on both my screen and my 'type-writer-thingie' and then summon up the courage to ring 'SoD' who is always, of course, at 'Grump Factor 10' just because he's halfway through an interview with the boss of some mega-big company trying to get himself a contract!
Anyway, I was forced to postpone my utterly fascinating and insightful post - who cheered? - that I was ready type out on D&N so you will just have to wait until tomorrow!
Dunno David every thing was all SoD or even Typepad.
'Bout 1300 (your time) I attempted a connect to D&N an' got an Error 404 ... there were three Windows updates in queue that I'd belayed as I was, of course, so enamored of your prose composings
yeah right!that I didna wanna delay my landing on D&N.Then I took a look at that hurricane [and just now again] on all the readily available radars to me - that thing is huge! keep "our guy" in your thoughts.
Do Whitewall, be a good (pre-gender neutral, admits girls, transmigrated and all otherwise "confused" discombobulates to the) Boy Scout my Friend.
Posted by: JK | Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 00:25
If it's any consolation David, I'm one of those guys who knows as much as he needs to know about IT technology AND NO MORE!!!
I use my phone to ring people up, store telephone numbers, as an alarm clock, and - very occasionally - as a sat-nav... and that's about it!
I should also add that the phone in question is a very venerable iPhone 5 which I have had for the last five years. I know my way around it (sort of) it does what I want it to do, and I see absolutely no point in getting the latest all-singing all-dancing gadget every year and having to painstakingly learn how the damn thing works every time I replace it with a newer model.
We luddites must stick together.
Bah humbug!
Posted by: Richard | Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 10:22
Quite right, Richard!
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 11:54