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Wednesday, 24 October 2018


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Still can't link direct to D&N. Must go through another blog.

Try this whitewall

Notice the absence of the www.

Uppers, thanks that helped.

Uppers that garment you presented me has already come in handy.

Her Ladyship is sleeping in it.

I shoulda known.

Nice to know it is being put to good use, JK.

I love the phrase "We had some server downtime today"! As if it's just one of those unavoidable things, or maybe even something they chose to do. "We had some coffee and bagels today".

It seems to be the Californian equivalent to "leaves on the line".

I don't want to rain on your parade Mr Duff. But Laura is a short stunted girl with hairy legs. She is devoted to improving the "product" by changing it. I write after spending half an hour this morning sorting out my wife's gmail account. She was quite happy till they changed everything.

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