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Tuesday, 16 October 2018


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Actually, "White Wall" does sound a bit like Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Black Hawk, etc.

I think he should take a DNA test and run for president.

Totally off topic but the Surrender Monkeys across the Channel have done it again. They ought to hang their heads in shame.

The French police officer, Arnaud Beltrame, who at the cost of his own life saved a hostage from an ISIS terrorist in Marseilles will not be honored in public over fears of offending Muslims.

Oh Dear...

AussieD, that same phenomenon is going on all over Western Europe. Bad ideology has taken hold among too many Western 'leaders' allowing Islam to spread with a virtuous smile.

She does appear to have less Indigenous ancestry than I do. Snicker.
(It's not much, but it's more than hers.)

Streetwise professor notes also that:

"Two prestigious universities–Penn and Harvard–touted her as a “person of color” to establish their diversity bona fides" and are as a consequence complicit in her fraud.

It would be most funny if a series of white people who were rejected from these establishments at that time sued her and the university - I mean, if she was fraudulently accepted, somebody else was fraudulently denied a place!

Cuffers...indeed! This may be a 'chink in the narrative' of identity politics.

In other interesting US news ...

Nice one, JK!

How 'bout that'un?

JK, gotta just lurve that first commenter who signed himself as 'Johnny Skidmarx' and wrote "My Jeep Cherokee is more Native American than Warren".

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