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Friday, 01 March 2019


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Previn was a giant. I once owned a number of his recordings of other composers on vinyl. Most are probably still moldering in the resale shop I gave them to. If you can enjoy Shostakovich or Previn's unmelodious compositions, your range is greater than mine.

Shostakovich? Unmelodic? Try his 2nd Piano Concerto, Bob!

Sorry, David. While there are snatches of melody here and there it's still too post-romantic for me. There's very little of that sort of stuff that's appealing. Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra and some of his piano pieces work somehow but, in general, similar works want for any recognizable motivation other than showing off proficiency in music theory.

Last night I listened to one of Previn's jazz albums with Ellis, Manne and Brown titled '4 To Go!'. If you like traditional jazz it doesn't get any better.

"snatches of melody here and there"? I worry about you, Bob!

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