Apologies and all that: Yes, sorry about my going a.w.o.l. on Friday and most of Saturday. No alarums or excursions, just a host of this, that and the other with an added dash of idleness - so no change there then!
When reality exceeds parody: I refer to the less than delightful couple who live next door to 'Boing-Boing' Boris and who carefully recorded his domestic row before calling the police - and then reporting the whole thing to 'The Guardian'. It turns out that they are both 'theatre people, darling', although neither of them seem to have, er, 'created' even a ripple of interest in that precious niche. Needless to say, they are both 'Jezza'-worshipping Lefties which explains why their first port of call was to 'The Graun'.
I only republish their photograph just in case they ever become your neighbours - in which case I would urge you to sell up and move. Mind you, as per usual, 'Boing-Boing' deserves the 'brown stuff' coming at him from all directions for being such a twerp - again! For God's sake, man, eat your humble pie and go back to the 'missus' and try to concentrate on running the country!
The 'Quacks' are usually right: Nobody is more sceptical of the 'Divine Right of Quacks' than me because, of course, they are merely human beings with all that that implies. Even so, I always follow their instructions for the bleedingly obvious reason that they have the expertise that I totally lack. Yes, of course, sometimes they get it wrong but on the whole, by and large, they get it more or less right. If you doubt that proposition then let me ask you if, in the event of a faulty water-pipe in your bathroom flooding your house, would you call a carpenter or a plumber? I raise the subject because of a story in The Telegraph today concerning the death by cancer of a 38-year old mother who resolutely refused the normal treatment and instead relied on:
"a vegan diet of mainly raw fruit and vegetables, supplemented with turmeric, seaweed and spells in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. She sought help at a clinic in Mexico, where therapies included placing her feet in a basin of water that supposedly drew toxins from her body."
You couldn't make it up but those scoundrels who propagate 'alternative' treatments do it all the time.
I am in 'luuurve' with Condoleezza Rice: Yes, to the best of my somewhat 'iffy' memory, she was a pretty sharp Sec. of State and was always an exceedingly attractive lady, so I enjoyed a good chuckle at her response to a black professor of English:
Condoleezza Rice was approached by a professor of English and asked to recommend a book by a black woman, to round out the racially and sexually sensitive curriculum. Rice said, “How about my The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948–1983?”
Nice one, 'Condo', baby!
The same old, same old: I know this will test the patience of my intelligent readers but, please, try and read this through to the end and then my summary:
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard of temperatures in the Arctic Zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed that the Gulf Stream was very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the Eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring have never ventured so far north in the old seal hunting ground. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
You must take this seriously because it was published in The Washington Post, no less, and several other distinguished newspapers. The only teensy-weensy problem is that the publication took place in, er, 1922, actually! My thanks to Jack Helner at The American Thinker.
'Boring-snoring' but he won - again: Yes, (Sir) Lewis Hamilton cruised to victory at the French Grand Prix most of which I napped through! Still, what an incredible driver he is!
Trump's somersaults: It is not necessarily 'a bad thing' for a POTUS to change his mind but when it is on a matter of war or peace then changing the Presidential mind 10 minutes before the first shot indicates a troubling lack of fore-thought and planning. Thus it has been with the American/Iranian stand off and whilst I suspect that the decision of the President to holster his six-gun was right it was, in the words of a truly great General, "A fine run thing"!
No more rumbles
That 38 year old woman is in the same league with the lefty couple pictured above. All of their saddles have slipped.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 23 June 2019 at 10:31
Whether Boing-Boing is bonking who ever crosses his path or not is really irrelevant to whether he would make a passable PM. The history books are full of examples of the fallibility of those who successfully lead governments.
Posted by: AussieD | Sunday, 23 June 2019 at 12:20
Of course he will. he is a total prat and shouldn't be anywhere near power but he sure will wind up the establishment and he is/was the only contender that would do that.
If he does renege on Brexit or goes the wishy washy route that he seems to be then the conservatives will be wiped out next election, which will likely be next year.
Posted by: Lord T | Sunday, 23 June 2019 at 12:42
My sister, bless her, sent me a book about a guy who eschewed the traditional methods and went on a binge of raw liver smoothies, amongst other things. He ended up blind in one eye with a peg leg but still defending his POV. I followed the advice of my doctors and here I am, pretty much whole.
Ok that is probably apples and oranges, but still.
Posted by: Timbo | Sunday, 23 June 2019 at 12:48
Is there anything alternative medicine can't get some people to do? Why would this method of taking coffee make a difference?:
Posted by: Bob | Sunday, 23 June 2019 at 13:35
Re 'Trump's somersaults': He also reversed himself, at least temporarily, on a mass deportation over the weekend. Tune in next news cycle and watch 'The President', not to be confused with 'The Apprentice', to see the newest entertaining political conflicts on which Trump has taken opposing sides.
Posted by: Bob | Monday, 24 June 2019 at 15:41