Not frightfully diplomatic, Mr. Ambassador! Apparently, Her Majesty's Ambassador to 'the court of King Donald' has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble although, to be fair, he was doing so confidentially to his 'boss' in London, Sir Mark Sedwill. Personally, I wouldn't send my laundry list to that Europhile rat because it is surprising to see how often confidential docs leak to the press via his department. As to what Mr. Ambassador said concerning 'King Donald', well, it's hardly news, is it? Everyone knows that he is an exceedingly eccentric character whose mood depends on which side of the bed he errupts from each morning. Even so, this constant leaking from Whitehall needs to be stopped and firing Sedwill would be a good start. I hope you are reading this, 'Boing-Boing'!
'Go git 'em, boys'! The "'em" I refer to are the exceedingly nasty Seamus Milne and Karie Murphy, bag and dagger carriers for the utterly despicable Jeremy Corbyn. Happily, the knives are now out for them as increasing numbers of senior Labour party figures are determined to prise them out of 'Jezza's private office where they control his every move. I don't know much about Ms. Murphy but Seamus Milne is, without doubt, the most despicable man in the corridors of power! He is so far to the Left that that he makes Trotsky look like a decent chap! Read Dan Hodges' column in The Mail for 'further and better particulars'.
Now, about this fox-hunting lark: Poor old Jeremy Hunt put his riding boot in it last week when he suggested that he would like to make fox-hunting legal again. Instantly, a flock of animal protection fascists supporters came out screaming their opposition and their determination to help the poor, little 'foxie-woxies'! As for me, well, I am as torn up as the average fox is once the hounds catch them! I hate killing animals for 'fun' but on the other hand there is nothing like seeing a pack of hounds trotting down the road - as they often did in the next village to mine - with what looked like a hundred tails a-wagging. Equally, there was a time when on Boxing Day, I used to go over to another nearby village to see the local hunt go off and it was a magnificent sight. Even so, the ending is usually exceedingly messy for the fox but, on the other hand, so is the ending of all the chickens and lambs that they kill and eat! I remain pathetically neutral.
Are the Dems going bonkers? I ask, hesitantly, because from 'over here' their list of candidates to run for the Presidency looks as though it could fill the Rose Bowl Stadium in California! Who are all these people? I follow American politics fairly closely for a foreigner but I have never head of 80% of them and those that I do know of include an old ege pensioner, a proven serial liar, a hopeless old Trot who makes 'Jezza' look like a Tory and sundry dim-witted adolescents who appear incapable of even telling us the time! 'The Don' might not be the brightest light on the Xmas tree but even he could see off that collection of 'no-hopers'!
In case you are interested: Which I very much doubt that you are but the other day I mentioned that my daily visitor stats, for no particular reason that I could fathom, suddenly doubled for two days. Needless to say, that didn't last and I am back to the usual desultory 400 again. Actually, that makes me feel more comfortable!
Thank God all that female football is over! I should be honest and tell you that I lost most of my interest in male football some time ago so the chances of me becoming hooked on a ladies' version are minimal. I cannot offer a proper criticism for the simple reason that I have never watched a match. Somehow, I lacked the energy to press the required buttons on my 'do-flicker-thingie'!
Two superb TV programmes on last night: The first told the story of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Truly that was the greatest human achievement of all time! Not just the courage of the astronauts but also the unbelievably immense concentration of brain-power that provided the ways and means. I salute all those involved. The second programme was a history of the British aviation industry from the end of WWII to the 1970s. I felt part of all that, not because I took part because I was only an Air Cadet in the mid '50s but because I loved those "magnificent flying machines" and hero-worshipped all those test pilots who flew, and sometimes perished, in them. I was desperate to become an RAF pilot when I grew up but some bloody-bloody medic checked my eyes at school and told me I was red/green colour blind. So instead of flying them, I ended up being thrown out of the back of them with a parachute. "Life's a bitch - and then it rains!"
No more rumbles
Over the decades we in the US have had our fair share of minimally competent Presidents, Sec. of State and diplomats. The ones that maintain a failing status quo thereby allowing the proper people to govern all of us seem to be the most "competent".
The "New World Order" has failed and Trump is only one more symptom of that failure. People in comfortable positions of power and influence are trying to hold on to what has benefited them so much at the expense of so many.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 11:48
In this instance the coverage in the Daily Mail is better:
As you point out, none of this is a secret. It's been televised, and that's the point. The Republicans are now a 'virtual' political party, and it's gotten them in a fine mess. They're lucky to have Democrats as the opposition.
Posted by: Bob | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 13:12
In 2016 the Republicans had almost as many candidates with 17. No one trusts the establishment wings of either party, so it's time for 'outsiders', and that's an easy qualification, as is now amply demonstrated by the current administration. Most of the entrants just like to see themselves on TV and raise their name recognition. With some uncharacteristic wisdom the Democrats have established rules that should narrow down the field in relatively short order.
Posted by: Bob | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 16:18
It's not just the candidates - it's the policies. In 2016 Trump had one simple policy - to Make American Great Again. His opponent's policy was - It Is My Turn!. It's quite surprising that it was surprising he won!
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 18:00
About those foxes. A fox is an apex predator. In England the only thing that preys on foxes is man. If we don't kill the little buggers, in the end they will have killed all their prey and we'll have millions of starving foxes eating each other - and next door's little black cat - Banjo.
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 18:03
Also, BOE, he had one 'yuuuuuuuuuge' advantage back then - his opponent! Yeeeeees, quite!
Posted by: David Duff | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 18:09
These female footballers, American I mean, are apparently a no class bunch when on the world stage. It is bad enough when men act that way, but women? No thanks.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 18:52
In '16, Trump had an anti America opponent. This time around, the Dems have a bunch of "woke" fanatics in their top eighty percent who are racing to be the most anti America candidate. Even poor old Joe Biden can't figure out these "new" Dems. Trump has driven them to barking madness and they are outing themselves as the opposite of MAGA. At least when the Republicans had a large primary field in 2016, each candidate was pro America.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 19:00
Yo David, reckon if we air-dropped some of our 'feral pigs' down amongst wherever it is y'alls PETA-types congregate, the result might overcome their objections to "the messy bits"?
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 19:38
You can look at a face like Seamus Milne and see something that is not easy to put in words. And better not.
Posted by: Glesga | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 20:19
Backofanenvelope; agreed!
We lost our little cat Pippin to a fox, and I even heard it all happening very early one morning, but not realising what was going on.
A good chum who keeps chickens, told me that a fox will just get in there and kill the flock, without bothering to take them for food. The fox just does the nasty thing, then slopes off.
I had to lift up a roadkill dog fox from just outside our gate once. I felt bad, as it was a fit, beautiful animal, in its prime, but, my emotions don't count in such circumstances.
Posted by: Scrobs | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 20:22
're the "leaked" memo. It was transparently published to goad T into nixing a trade deal. Presumably in the hopes that that would persuade people to stick with the EU.
It won't work because T has much experience dealing with officialdom and no reason to like or respect them.
Also, outside of a few thousand well paid people used to being influential, the UK will be better off out of the EU even without a US trade deal.
As to Mr.Hunt's foxhunting troubles, it proves to me that he cannot count. One might promise to do a thing if it will attract support. One might even promise to do a thing on principle if one is confident of sufficient support anyway. But to promise to do a thing and backtrack the next day indicates either a lack of principle of an inability to count, or both- plus of course a lack of thought.
Posted by: Pat | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 20:23
Should have added that the memo may raise suspicions about the quality of the Trump administration. It removes all doubt about the uselessness of the Foreign Office.
Posted by: Pat | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 20:34
Ref the girlie footy ...
I wonder what the BBC comedy sketch commissariat would make of that today?
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 20:58
Loz, they would think nice tits but not say nice tits but we can say nice tits.
Posted by: Glesga | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 21:32
At least they gave you a parachute! Not red or green I trust?
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 22:09
By George and all the Saints, look at the date!
Been so busy slaving away paying for Blighty's wrinklies to live in the manner to which they've been accustomed I clean forgot!
Happy Independence Day to the ex-colonials!
Here's a special little ditty for you ...
Took ages to find one with a Spanish translation so y'all can understand the lyrics, but it was no trouble, none at all.
Posted by: Loz | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 22:13
Eh ... SoD?
You, in searching for that 'un particularly, bother to watch to the very end where a certain name appeared?
Reason I ask is ...
Oh nevermind.
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 07 July 2019 at 22:53
G'day Duffers,
Back in the day the Oz military had a thing which debarred applicants with a red-green colour deficiency from entering the service. My son was rejected on his first application.
Then some bright spark discovered that camouflage was useless when the opposition's eyesight was red-green deficient and my son was accepted into the service but could not go to Engineers, Artillery or anywhere that colour coding was critical. So the Infantry it was. He finished his military service as a Colonel.
The interesting part was that on exercises as a young lieutenant he was excluded from the sharp end of a patrol as the camouflage used by the opposition was useless as he saw the actual shape of things and could in effect see through the attempt to hide.
Look on the bright side though. You joined the second best service after HM's Navies.
Posted by: AussieD | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 00:41
Dear Mr. D, if I may call you that. Thank you for nudging me over to this, the Forum Maximus where gladiators and assorted beast hold sway.
Speaking as an American of long standing, I can safely affirm that the "one world order" crowd that has had it so cushy since Herr Adolf and Mr. Tojo were taken care of, are indeed resisting by all and every means the change to status quo.
They are loath to lose their free money trough, funded by the U.S. and other (mainly western) taxpayers. It is now a battle to the (political) death, likely theirs and not DJT or the U.S. economy.
George C Marshall and those who followed had a very noble idea, but once the money begins to flow to bureaucrats, it usually never stops. I do believe it was one of your countrymen, one Mr. Parkinson, who wrote that "work expands to fill the time available" when referencing the civil service, alongside which should go "taxation grows regardless of purpose".
The leaking of classified or otherwise private communications has exploded in the press and other media since 2015, mainly as a means of attempting to remove one vary prominent burr in their tushes, named DJT. I have no doubt that many diplomatic circles are all attwiter with most foul words for our brave President.
While he may be crass, outspoken and not a member of their little club, he is doing what I (and millions more) perceive as is best for America. By elevating our own economy, we benefit the rest of the world, rising tide floating boats and all that.
I do so pray that Boing Boing Boris has a good head on his shoulders and that he too gets into the mode of "Britain First". Every nation must look out for their own interests above all else, which in no way precludes friendly relations with others. I for one would welcome the "Anglosphere Free Trade Zone" with sensible policies regarding trade, fiscal responsibility and lowering of taxes within the group.
Fraternally yours,
Edward P on the shores of Lac Michigan
Posted by: Edward P | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 01:08
"I for one would welcome the "Anglosphere Free Trade Zone" with sensible policies regarding trade, fiscal responsibility and lowering of taxes within the group."
Posted by: Whitewall | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 01:23
"I for one would welcome the "Anglosphere Free Trade Zone" with sensible policies regarding trade, fiscal responsibility and lowering of taxes within the group."
Already been done - it's called the EU.
Nice that you think it's so admirable you'd want it for the Five Eyes.
Why not go the whole hog and make it a single market for the family of the West? ...
1. Blighty (Father of the family)
2. US
3. Canada
4. NZ
5. Oz (the kids down to here)
6. EU (the Mrs and in-laws)
7. Israel (adopted - For 2000 years, then setup home back at the still abusive natural family, but tough enough to fend them off these days)
8. Taiwan (adopted - abusive parent trying to regain custody, may turn violent)
9. Singapore (birthplace of the finest troll commenter of the world, loyal only to family)
10. Japan
11. Korea (bastard off-spring down to here, need to take responsibility though - ask Boing Boing BoJo)
There's not one of those states I wouldn't happily live in and submit myself to their laws and customs. Sofa surfin' the family - what a wonderful life for the next generation.
The 11 disciples of Liberty. The 12 - less Judas. And when the Rooskies finally come round the family will be complete.
Too much like globalization for you lot though, eh?
Posted by: Loz | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 08:33
Not one of this lot with the exception of the three obvious ones would give us the time of day!
Posted by: backofanenvelope | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 12:34
The President has just tweeted we cannot work with the UK ambassador. And quite rightly so. An ambassador using his office to attack the president of the host country and promote his personal view on Brexit is not on.
Posted by: Glesga | Monday, 08 July 2019 at 20:05
Good heavens, the Anglosphere need never be the EU, purely a trading block with similar law and some semblance of sanity with low internal taxation, low to non existent tariffs. No way in hell I would want anyone else to dolarize or create a fictitious currency managed by one central Merkelish bank.
That said, I truly worry about our neighbor to the north, they do appear to be walking running off the French cliff in lemming like unity with the EU.
Posted by: Edward P | Tuesday, 09 July 2019 at 01:25
Here ya go David. Enjoy that'un.
Posted by: JK | Wednesday, 10 July 2019 at 21:14
Thanks, JK, an excellent summary!
Posted by: David Duff | Thursday, 11 July 2019 at 10:54
Uhm ... David?
I read Australia's got a possible solution for your fox hunting protestors:
All the fox hunting footage I've been privileged to watch features the hounds and the horses jumping stuff to get at the fox. Maybe, if y'all kinda sorta slow down your importing Pakis but increase your imports of Pygmys to ride the rabbits it'd be satisfaction all round 'cause then the fox would have a better "sporting" chance?
Posted by: JK | Saturday, 13 July 2019 at 18:17