The other day I mentioned David Cole, a resident scribbler at Taki's Mag, because not only was he exceedingly funny but he was also uncomfortably accurate. As Waugh did 'back in the day', he can take a fundamentally serious subject and by applying the driest of dry humour to some common-sensical observations, reset your focus on sundry 'shlock-horror' stories driving the 'meeja' to hysteria.
Here are his opening paragraphs on a column addressing the problems of mass shootings 'over there':
What does a Japanese lesbian jumping into a volcano have to do with American mass shooters? I thought you’d never ask! Mount Mihara is an active volcano that sits on the island of Oshima, off the coast of Tokyo. For centuries, Mihara has been an exotic destination for suicidal Japs who believe that by jumping into the volcano their body will be vaporized by the intense heat, thus speeding the soul toward its heathen Nip afterlife. Mihara suicides have always been a thing, but an infrequent thing.
Then came February 11, 1933. Kiyoko Matsumoto, a 21-year-old student, had fallen in love with a female classmate. Seeing no future for her and her resbian rover, Matsumoto, after penning a heart-wrenching farewell note to her beloved, ended it all by diving into Mihara’s gaping mouth.
And a legend was born.
'Gotta just lurve' that phrase "her resbian rover"! His penultimate paragraph more or less says it all;
For once, the news isn’t actually that grim. Opinion journalists [like bloggers!] will always inflate a problem to justify the need for their wise words of advice. But in this instance, ignore the opinion a-holes. They’re as full of hot air as a suicide volcano.
Quite so!
Oh boy! David Cole has now run afoul of the "woke" culture Nazis with his double slight to lesbians and Asian people of different coloring.
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, 13 August 2019 at 12:16