Many years ago I re-named the Liberal Democrats as the 'il-Lib-non-Dems' because it was becoming ever more clear that beneath their, er, very nice, middle class, middle England camouflage, they were in fact a party of bullies and autocrats. It was only the fact that their chances of ever seizing real power were minimal that most people simply dismissed them as 'also rans'. Now, however, given the almighty political flux that has smashed our politics to bits, they perceive a chance through a hung Parliament, or a deal with Labour for them to reach the higher levels of government.
Instantly, their bossy, zealous leaderette, the deplorable Jo Swinson, lets the mask slip by proclaiming that were she to gain power then she would obliterate the majority choice of the British people and simply exterminate the Referendum result. And lo, it was no more, it will cease to exist, that free Referendum is a dead Referendum! As Mr. Stephen Glover puts it in today's Mail:
Having observed the party over the years, I'm not surprised. Most Lib Dems are doubtless thoroughly nice people. But their party is not very nice. It is surprisingly ruthless, and adept at twisting the rules. They might be more accurately described as the Illiberal non-Democrats.
We shouldn't forget how, during the 2010 election campaign, the party solemnly promised to abolish tuition fees. Then, having been tempted into coalition by the Tories, it promptly agreed to treble them. […]
Yet it turns out she is an unusually slippery operator. Not only is she happy to kill off the 2016 referendum result. There was a time, although she has chosen to forget it, when she was herself in favour of an EU referendum. On Sunday, she declared sententiously that she couldn't 'forgive David Cameron for calling the referendum'. Yet in 2008 she proposed an In/Out poll from the Lib Dem benches, and criticised Brussels over its undemocratic procedures.
Perhaps my title for that bunch of rogues is a tad tricky to roll off the tongue so instead they should henceforth be known as the Lying-Liars party!
Sounds like just the sort of "bastard, but at least she's our bastard" we've been looking for. Get her into Brussels and we might have the first hand-bagging since Mrs T. At least she's not that far off the bastard scale she ends up in court twice in one month!
And just to be a tad un-woke for a second - so please avert your eyes if easily offended - be nice to have a fine pair of feeders on the 9 o'clock news for the next five years or so.
What's not to like?
She's got my vote.
Posted by: Loz | Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 20:50
Ok, just to even out the un-woke with the woke, here's the wokey counterbalance ...
Feeling alright?
Posted by: Loz | Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 21:08
According to Jake is a medieval form of Jack. Hobbit is presumably from the J. R. R. Tolkien fantasy series. Why would anyone expect them not to keep little Dwarf's gender a secret?
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 21:41