An interesting - er, well, only if politics is your 'thang' - article by the indefatigable Mr. Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker in which he discusses the 'Will she? Won't she?' riddle of whether 'HillBilly' will launch a try for the Presidency. At present she is playing coy, she won't say yes and she won't say no! Given the paucity of talent amongst the crowd of not so much 'has beens' as more, the 'never wases' and the 'never will bes', she must be straining at the leash, after all, dammit, she is entitled to the job! According to Mr. Lifson, she is simply waiting for 'good ol' Joe' to admit that he's past it and and that, really 'n' truly he'd prefer his old rocking chair!
As y'all do know, I make no pretence of understanding American politics but the current crop of no-hopers, nut-cases, juveniles and infants lining up to, er, tempt the American public is the worst, most ignorant and useless collection of political ignoramuses that I can recall. True, Donald Trump isn't exactly 'Brain of America' but at least he is ultra-patriotic in that "Make America Great Again!" way of his and my gut feeling is that most Americans are also intensely patriotic. 'HillBilly', of course, comes with a train-load of faults and weaknesses and errors of judgment, some of them perilously close to propelling her into a Federal court. And hanging over her disreputable head is the memory of her infamous words after four American diplomats were murdered on her watch, "At this point what does it matter?"
If there is any justice 'over there', those words should eventually be carved onto her grave stone!
If she can be made nominee by the Republican National Committee selling their souls to Satan, Hillary will run again.
Posted by: Bob | Monday, 28 October 2019 at 19:00
My bet is no she won't. The Dems are hoping the same. It depends on how soon old Joe is carted off by nice men from the 'home'. Then it depends on how many of the remaining goofs suddenly find their self written suicide notes in their mail. Why this HRC 24/7 stuff all of a sudden is a mystery.
Posted by: Whitewall | Monday, 28 October 2019 at 19:18
She wouldn't be that stupid, would she?
Posted by: Andra | Tuesday, 29 October 2019 at 05:51
She's just getting the stage set for the daughter.
Of course, Chelsea has said she won't run for congress, but bet your life, she'll be trying to get there - probably after a dust up at the internal polls with yet another Kennedy.
Posted by: Scrobs | Tuesday, 29 October 2019 at 07:17