I have written before, many a time and oft', on the incredible battle of Midway. In my heading I indicate that the battle has been fought three times but what I mean, of course, is that it was, in reality, fought once, and then refought twice by Hollywood! The latest Hollywood version has just been released 'over there' and the appropriately named, Steve Sailor, offers a crit of it at Taki's Mag. ( He approves, in the main.)
I am totally fascinated with this battle which, in effect, and in retrospect, won the Pacific war for America! Not the least of its fascination lies in the element of chance which played a crucial role in the eventual outcome. Another crucial element was what I used to call, in my Army days, 'SigInt' which the Americans had mastered to a high degree of expertise. Thus, the Japanese steamed on in blissful ignorance and boundless conceit following their devastating attack on Pearl Harbour whilst the canny Americans listened in to their wireless transmissions and planned accordingly.
Even so, as in all battles everywhere, that fickle 'Lady Luck' played her part so that the first American warplanes to spot the Jap fleet were torpedo bomber who naturally attacked at sea-level, thus dragging down the Jap fighters from on high to deal with them. This allowed the American dive-bombers, released from a Fleet of which the Japs were unaware, to arrive overhead and then dive down unopposed - with devastating results for the Japs.
The result - Japanese disaster and the first indication that they would lose their stupid, il-conceived war!
David. That's the battle as the Japanese saw it. As they'd have experienced it at any rate. I'd highly recommend spending the forty-five minutes spent.
Posted by: JK | Thursday, 05 December 2019 at 20:58
JK, thanks for that link. I have only had time to watch the opening few minutes but it looks terrific.
Posted by: David Duff | Friday, 06 December 2019 at 15:22
David, it's well worth the time to watch the rest. Thanks JK
Posted by: Whitewall | Friday, 06 December 2019 at 16:09