I felt the sigh of relief that swept the world when I went M.I.A yesterday but this morning I am back and ready to 'Bore for Britain'. The problem yesterday was that an exceedingly elderly relative who is in a Residential Home nearby was rushed off to hospital. That caused 'SoD' to descend out of the blue and so most of yesterday was spent to-ing and fro-ing from hospital to her Home. Happily, all's well that ends well - for the moment, anyway. So, apologies for my absence but barring accidents I should be around today.
Also, excellent news to read that 'JK' is back 'home on the ranch', well, perhaps not quite back in his own home which, deciphering his mysterious prose, appears to be in some serious disrepair. Good luck, JK, and I'm sure I speak for all your e-pals here on D&N in wishing you a quick recovery. Please keep us informed as and when you can!
Fair winds and a following sea JK
Posted by: AussieD | Monday, 02 March 2020 at 10:57
JK is unbreakable. He'll be just fine.
Posted by: Andra | Monday, 02 March 2020 at 20:17