I confess to being slightly Right of Genghis Khan who, whilst an excellent leader in many respects, was a tad soft on law and order! Even so, I welcome Sir Keir Starmer and his 'newish' Labour party back into the real world. Their time spent in 'Jezza-land' was duly rewarded by the dreaded 'Peeps' at the last election who reduced them to being a 'rump' opposition. Hopefully the lesson has been learned although I suspect the 'eye-ball swivellers' will continue in their 'make believe land'.
Happily, the slaughter that Labour suffered has reduced the Parliamentary party to a manageable size and thus provided Starmer with the chance to mould a sensible opposition. Judging by his new shadow cabinet he has taken full advantage without undue cruelty. Ms. Rebecca Long-Bailey, the ultra-left dingbat, is appointed Minister of Education(!) which, apart from tossing the 'Lefties' a small prize also indicates Mr. Starmer's keen sense of irony!
Anyway, our peculiar system absolutely needs an opposition party for it to work properly, it keeps the Government on its toes. So, good luck, Sir Keir, and at least you do not have to worry that you might do worse than 'Jezza' - nobody could!
There is a significant challenge arising from the crushing defeat suffered by Labour last year. Their pool of "talent" is now so small that they are probably incapable of forming an effective opposition. Their leader is an automated dullard, their deputy left school with more kids than qualifications, and the ranks are full of nonentities and tarnished desperadoes.
Some idiots are calling for a government of national unity, but I can't see a single Labour member who would add value in such a project.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Tuesday, 07 April 2020 at 14:08
Harsh, 'W', but, alas, true!
Posted by: David Duff | Tuesday, 07 April 2020 at 14:35
Old but still true: The only parties left anywhere are the Evil Party and the Stupid Party.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 07 April 2020 at 17:55
Thought for the day: -
If the Labour party had won the last election and Jeremy Corbyn had gone down with coronavirus instead of Boris, then Diane Abbott would be leading the country right now.
There's a little wet patch in the corner of my bedroom where I knelt to pray last night when that thought suddenly crossed what passes for my mind. And I wasn't laughing.
Posted by: Loz | Thursday, 09 April 2020 at 10:09
Loz, remember that old saying that if a monkey was a Labour candidate then it win. In the case of Abbot you would be called a racist but still the truth nonetheless. She could never count the dead only her bank balance.
Posted by: Glesga | Thursday, 09 April 2020 at 19:07