Following on from the Left Axis filter (see previous post), as you can see, the dribbles of news left over after the Left Axis filter is applied shows zero or trace levels of crawler and indexing attention to the right and Libertarian news outlets.
Just to "double prove" that, let's do it the other way round. Let's pack the known right and Libertarian names into a Libertarian and Right Alliance positive filter and see what the search comes back with!
So, here's our old pals the UK and US with the Right and Libertarian positive filter applied ...
Aaah, that's more like it!
See Bob - they were all there after all. Not drivel from Reuters and Al Jazeera, but proper jobs from the great and the good!
So why aren't they in the search results when you don't apply filters?
And more, look at this ...
Notice the results from the Libertarian and Right Alliance positive filter don't include any Fox News posts. The Daily Telegraph and others appear, but Foxy is in Fort Knoxy! What happened, did Fox shut up shop?
Well let's have a look. Here's our UK and US search terms with only Fox News in a positive filter ...
UK -
US -
Yaaay! Foxy's back again!
So whenever Fox News appears in a user's search mixed in with other targets the search engine quietly drops or relegates Fox so no-one notices amongst the other results. But when Fox is the only selected result the search engine has to oblige with some results because no results would be too obvious an "air brushing".
I must have commented on the last thread just before you posted. Google and Yahoo news searches have built-in biases. Just use a web search on StartPage or Yippy or DuckDuck Go and everything comes up, though if being specific you might have to look through several pages or refine the search.
If you're looking for a particular source or sources you can just enter them with the subject. For example "covid american thinker" makes StartPage spit up all the articles about covid pubished by that silly waste of time. No need for advanced Google operators.
Posted by: Bob | Monday, 29 June 2020 at 19:59
Thanks very much for the SEO advice Bob.
Posted by: Loz | Monday, 29 June 2020 at 22:57
I'm sure you know more about SEO than I, SoD. I used the Google operators when they were a new thing, but never wrote long filters. You might use them for IT projects, but the search algorithms have improved so much I rarely need them for stuff I do now.
Btw, I used the internet before it was called the internet and long before the WWW. Show a little respect, sonny.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 01:36
Bob, do you remember the tedious microfisch?
Posted by: Glesga | Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 01:54
I sure do, Glesga. Also the library catalog made up of drawers of index cards.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 02:51