Who messed with the clocks? As if a shuffling, old, 81 year octogenarian wasn't confused enough, somebody's changed all the clocks! I blame .................... (Fill in your choice!)
Brilliant news! I'm reading again! Well, it's brilliant for me but given that it is likely to provoke me to even more 'boring-snoring' commentary it may not be so good for you! I don't know why a year or so ago I suddenly switched off from reading, any more than I know why, equally suddenly, yesterday I picked up a book and started again. The book was simply the nearest to hand and it is a biography of Abraham Lincoln by Jan Morris. He/she - yes, he/she is, or was, both despite fathering five children, is a well know writer but this is the first of her books that I have read. So far I have only just reached Lincoln's 20th birthday but already, knowing (roughly) where he was to ascend, I am fascinated. It helps that Ms. Morris writes impeccably clear English!
The real Boris, er, sort of: And, unsurprisingly, he is simply ghastly! That is according to Ms. Lynn Barber who has reviewed Tom Bower's just released, un-authorised biography of our very own 'Dear Leader':
Bower never quite states his own position on Boris, though he quotes zillions of his detractors. Max Hastings — perhaps regretting ever having launched Boris’s early success as a Brussels journalist — describes him as ‘a man of remarkable gifts, flawed by an absence of conscience, principle or scruple’.
"There’s a pattern to Boris’s life: it’s the casual dishonesty, the cruelty, the betrayal, and beneath the betrayal the emptiness of real ambition: the ambition to do anything useful with office once it is attained."
What have we done to deserve such rat-bag, political leaders?
'Lord' Lewis Hamilton reaches the zenith: Yes, I have promoted 'Lord' Hamilton from a mere Knighthood because today he has become the greatest racing-driver of all time - er, well, until some unknown lad who has barely learned to drive eventually reaches the F1 starting grid. Whilst Lewis deserves his kudos, his Dad deserves his share. It was his dedication to his son's early career that sent him on his way.
No more Rumbles
"impeccably clear English!"
At the rate things are going, doing so will no longer be allowed because of uber wokeness. The left hates impeccable.
Posted by: Whitewall | Sunday, 25 October 2020 at 13:22
‘a man of remarkable gifts, flawed by an absence of conscience, principle or scruple’
The "special relationship" continues with our taste in so-called leaders.
Posted by: Bob | Sunday, 25 October 2020 at 17:20
It's considered ill form for one to write his own review.
Posted by: JK | Monday, 26 October 2020 at 01:41
Has Hamilton really become the greatest racing driver of all time? How would he fare in a race with the true greats of motor racing, such as Moss, Fangio, Hill (the elder), or Mansell, in the cars they drove at the time, especially Moss and Fangio. Lewis's cars, built by Mercedes (no slave labour used in vehicle construction since 1945) is basically a HAL2000 on wheels and, I would suggest, suitable for any fairly competent driver. Can't wait till Lewis wants to steer right, and the car responds with, "I'm sorry, Lewis, I can't do that."
Much mention of his (black) father's contribution, but little about that of his (white) mother. But then, of course, BLM.
Too big for his driving shoes and who thinks his opinions are worth more than people who live in the real world.
Posted by: Penseivat | Monday, 26 October 2020 at 11:32
Well JK, aren't we daintily politically correct.
Posted by: Bob | Monday, 26 October 2020 at 12:38
What Penseivat said.
Posted by: AussieD | Monday, 26 October 2020 at 22:21