Sorry, sorry, sorry to have gone on 'the missing list' - again! - but the reason I have said nothing for so long is because I had nothing to say! And yes, I do know that in certain quarters that situation will have been welcomed. Also, by way of warning, I should make clear that I do not have that much to say now! Well, I mean, what is there to say in this tedious, boring-snoring world? The only light entertainment is to watch Boris and his gang emulate the clowns normally to be seen at the various travelling circuses that tour the country this time of the year. Is there anyone outside of the Tory party who finds Boris even slightly credible as a national leader? The man is a stuttering, stammering buffoon who makes Donald Trump look like a World Leader!
Alas, I must finish this monologue of doom 'n' gloom with an even more worrying thought - the worst is yet to come! The damage inflicted on our economy, and eventually on our society, is going to be cataclysmic. It will test our civic structures to the very limit. Will we stand the test? Alas, I can't pray, all I can do is hope! If history is any guide then I think we will stagger through it but it could be tough going!
And, yes, I do know that 'it's being so cheerful as keeps me so young'!
"Well, I mean, what is there to say in this tedious, boring-snoring world?"
"Boring - snoring" you maintain David?
"Tedious" I may tend to agree with, 'boring-snoring' hardly!
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 01 December 2020 at 19:19
No news here either.
Posted by: Andra | Tuesday, 01 December 2020 at 20:30
Andra, the news is, He is still among us!
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, 01 December 2020 at 20:43
You're not fooling us into thinking there's nothing going on. It's just that, from your point of view, too much is going on that's no political fun.
Boris ... makes Donald Trump look like a World Leader!
Poppycock and codswallop, sir! To my knowledge Boris hasn't tried to pull off a banana republic reality show coup by getting frivolous lawsuits tossed out of court. He's not trying to scuttle special elections in his own party. What Boris has most in common with Trump is that he's the logical extreme of Thatcherism, the way Trump is the logical crash ending of Reaganism.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 01 December 2020 at 23:21
Glad you are still with us Duffers
Posted by: AussieD | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 at 05:14
Bob I'd recommend you 'touch base' with Mary of [Hairy] Chasms before you go on combining 'poppycocks & codswallops.'
Jes' saying er, sir?
Posted by: JK | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 at 05:50
Poppycock and codswallop go well together. I don't need to tell you that JK. You're the master of nonsensical prose.
Jes saying, Sir.
Posted by: Mary | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 at 07:15
Your ear for poetry is exquisitely imaginative. Still, I have to give the point to Mary, and not just because she likes my writing. Actually, I just thought using a rhetorical style popular when David was a lad might help cheer him up.
Posted by: Bob | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 at 14:44
the reason I have said nothing for so long is because I had nothing to say!"
When did that ever stop you?
Glad your doing well!
Posted by: Hank | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 at 23:09