We've eagerly awaited the real meaning of BoJo's administration, the action not the words. Might the "levelling-up" and "backing winners" verbiage have been a great smoke screen for "the Singapore of Europe", like Dave Cam's "Big Society" and "hug-a-hoody" were while he steadfastly repaired Blighty through austerity and shrinking the state as a percentage of GDP?
Sadly no ...
Having backed losers in the 1970's, like British Leyland, British Steel, British Rail, British Telecomm, Coal, Gas, Electricity, Water et al, and thereby sustained their failure and bankrupted the country, the real plan this time round is indeed to destroy the productive base by "backing winners" and bankrupt the country ...
Victoria Hewson, of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: "It is concerning that the government sees intervention and subsidisation in the economy as under-pinning our post-Covid recovery, as welcome as it is to see a move away from the EU bureaucracy.
"Governments are notoriously bad at picking winners, whether that’s in the UK or at the EU level. Using taxpayers’ money to prop up failing businesses is likely to distort competition, slow down innovation and favour incumbents."
Those two paragraphs say it all. We have cut the final ties to Thatcherism by leaving Maggie's Single Market, Four Freedoms, and State Aid rules. The straitjacket is off, the state can let rip and ruin us again, this time by pretending that dumbass pols with zero track record can outperform capitalism in the role of investment banking.
And the true meaning of "Take back control" is revealed in all its grisly truth: no control for you and me, but instead, unfettered "Take back control" for blue, yellow and red socialism, with all the attendant death and destruction.
Good call 23rd June 2016.
All governments, if allowed, will keep helping people and business to death and then demand respect and reward. Don't allow it.
Posted by: Whitewall | Wednesday, 03 February 2021 at 12:41
Do not go gentle into that good night ...
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas - 1914-1953
Posted by: Bob | Wednesday, 03 February 2021 at 15:50