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Saturday, 20 February 2021


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WELL SHIVER ME TIMBERS! Thou are with us yet!

Good to see you pop your head out'n yer hidey hole David.

Welcome back, old man!
I am convalescing from an unprogrammed fall down a flight of steps with a side of ribs (cracked) thrown in. Growing old is not for sissies.


Glad to see your back in good form!

Good to see you back. Soon you will hear those bolts drawn back down at the Tippling Philosopher, and you can totter forth again...

Good to see you back on deck Duffers.

Still on the planet, eh? Well done.
Love to the memsahib.

At least you're not dead. A more timely check-in, even a simple hello, would have been reassuring. Why did SoD go completely missing?

Why did SoD go completely missing?

Rumour has it he has been busy acting as an advisor for the FREXIT and SPEXIT Parties.

Well, well, well, reminds me of the proverbial groundhog and his shadow; six more weeks of winter?

Glad to see you back, David.

I was beginning to wonder where you were...

Thank you all for your concerns and I admit to being 'a very naughty boy' for going a.w.o.l. without explanation.

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