Sleepy Joe just called one of his staffers, a 48 year old black man, "boy" ...
Biden is a full-on died-in-the-wool Dem racist. He lost the battle to enslave blacks, lost the battle to segregate them, and now he privileges them merely to garner their votes, while underneath the privilege facade his wool is died the same as it ever was.
The slip-ups are just too regular to be passed off as anything else. The "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" blurt, the one where he said "Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids", and now a straightforward racist slur.
I don't know why he doesn't just come straight out with it like Lyndon Johnson, Dem president, in 1965 ...
"I'm gonna have those niggers voting Dem for 200 years".
Here's MSNBC acknowledging Johnson's full-on blend of racism-with-privilege character and politics ...
Shame MSNBC and the rest of the Left media can't acknowledge Biden is out of the same mould - and the entire BLM, Antifa, Woke apparat as well.
Jeez, I hadn't watched the actual footage when I wrote the above. It's actually worse than I envisaged. Unlike the "Poor kids ..." comment there's no correction, no expansion to dilute the damage, not even realisation. One can only conclude that the only thing progressive about Biden is his dementia. This is, quite literally, a demented racist in full flow, "busier than the devil" ...
Oh, and btw, as you might expect: CNN, BBC, and the Left Axis media crew nowhere to be seen. Just imagine if the Don or one of his team had said something like that ...
I'm holding fire on this one until we see what Cedric Richmond looks like. If he turns out to be an actual seven-year-old prodigy in short trousers, then Biden is fine to continue.
Posted by: Whyaxye | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 11:06
Meanwhile in Kabul they’ve progressed from tall buildings and cranes to using the helicopters this administration left behind.
Posted by: Timbotoo | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 12:27
Sell out Joe has always been in the thick of it:
"Democracy Betrayed: A History of the Democratic Party from Cotton Plantation to Urban Plantation" Paperback – October 15, 2020 Available at Amazon etc.
Posted by: Whitewall | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 13:50
Biden is a distinguished centenarian whose attitudes stopped evolving circa 1960.
And lest we forget Sell Out Don:
"At the White House, Trump told reporters the U.S. deserves credit for having helped Afghanistan take a step toward peace. He spoke cautiously of the deal’s prospects for success and cautioned the Taliban against violating their commitments.
“We think we’ll be successful in the end,” he said, referring to all-Afghan peace talks and a final U.S. exit. He said he will be “meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not-too-distant future,” and described the group as “tired of war.”
Apparently the Taliban weren't as tired as he was lead to believe.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 14:57
The Talibs were on a sabbatical Bob, clear up to the day Biden extended the May 1st Doha deadline to the anniversary of 9/11.
Twenty-four hours after that extension the Talibs began taking provincial capitals.
But still an' all - given that all Afghan "Democracy-Corruptocrats" were USG figments of the collective imagination it was always and ever a fool's errand. Speaking of which:
Loz? Here's a piece from 'Biden's Glory Days' you may be unfamiliar with:
"And who was this guy Biden was glorifying" I hear you ask?
"The ex-Klansman allegedly ended his ties with the group in 1943. He may have stopped paying dues, but he continued to pay homage to the KKK. Republicans in West Virginia discovered a letter Sen. Byrd had written to the Imperial Wizard of the KKK three years after he says he abandoned the group. He wrote: “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia” and “in every state in the Union.”
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 16:38
Too "on target" to pass up calling attention to the absurdities
"In the event that we go to war with a more reasonable country, such as Canada, we can repaint the crosses, though there is no obligation."
Posted by: JK | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 18:12
Looks like Biden has given terrorists the largest cache of arms since Irish Americans gave them to the IRA. The Yanks as usual in a moral malaise.
Posted by: Glesga | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 21:03
Most of it was about war profiteering and generals getting power, like nearly every war in our history.
I seem to recall the Brits tried Afghanistan during the 19th century with more or less equally disastrous results. Glesga, please let me know if I'm wrong.
Posted by: Bob | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 23:03
Bob, see next post as my reply to you!
Posted by: Loz | Wednesday, 01 September 2021 at 09:58
Posted by: JK | Thursday, 02 September 2021 at 05:29