This is probably true, girls are cleverer than boys ...
Girls are expected to increase their lead over their male peers in GCSEs, with an expert saying we should “just accept that they are cleverer”.
But what an extraordinary thing for a wokie to say "We should just accept that they are cleverer".
Would they say, "We should just accept that white people are cleverer than black people" because they outperform them at school too?
This is classic Gramsci from the culture warriors: the truth state changes depending on local circumstances: racist / sexist when we want it to be, and not when we don't.
Damn pay wall. 'Clever' is another devilish word with different meanings and uses. Girls are clever. Boys adapt to that from necessity since males come to this world from between a woman's legs and spend the rest of their lives trying to get back in. Entire cultures are built from this fact.
Posted by: Whitewall | Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 12:16
If you add "*" to your browser setting for "Do not use JavaScript on these sites" you should get a rendition of the DT news (main articles only) without the paywall kicking in.
I don't have a DT subscription anymore so I only post links from the stuff that's visible by this method. So if you put that tweak in your browsers, you should be good to go.
I'm on the phone right now, let me switch to the PC and give some detailed instructions.
Posted by: Loz | Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 14:46
So if you follow this for the particular browser you have ...
On the last step don't disable JavaScript for everything or you'll be in a world of hell! At that point instead go to the bit where is says "Allow or block JavaScript on specific sites". Then add as a site for which JS is disabled. Then the setting won't affect any other sites, only . In the Chrome browser setting it automatically adds [*.] to the front to denote all sub-sites are to be included below .
Let me know any of you if that works or not with the link above for example i.e. if you do/don't get the paywall.
The DT may have other stuff going on that detects you're not in Blighty or whatever and blocks you, let's see.
Posted by: Loz | Thursday, 12 August 2021 at 14:59
Grenada better look out!
Posted by: JK | Sunday, 15 August 2021 at 16:55
I add this link if only because there's a UK Commentor (a regular if you will) putting in his 2¢.
BOE? Loz? Richard & Glesga?
Concur? Or ...?
Posted by: JK | Monday, 16 August 2021 at 17:44