"The day war broke out": As I typed the date 3rd of September up above I thought, that rings a bell! Anyway, just as a reminder to old Brits of a certain vintage here's a little memory of the gentle humour that kept us going through grim times:
The best 'pud' in the world: I pose the question because last night I had a pot of tiramisu which I think qualifies because if you have just ploughed through a stonking great dinner, tiramisu just slides down sweet and easy and the little hint of liquor adds that certain something. Up until recently, when this damned old-age thing crept up on me, then I would have voted for the British equivalent - trifle. The problem these days is that I can no longer manage half the bowl which hitherto I had always, since the age of 5, considered my due. So tiramisu which tends to come in small pots is exactly right. Mind you, there's always treacle pudding to be considered and, of course, Spotted Dick smothered in custard and I dare not forget the 'Memsahib's home-made apple crumble - oh God, I must stop this, I'm beginning to dribble!
Jolly good show, (Sir) Lewis: Yesterday that pukka British gent, (Sir) Lewis Hamilton - yes, yes, I know his sartorial taste is not exactly Saville Row, and his hair style makes him look a bit like a Kalahari tribesman and his favourite music is atrocious - but, dammit, he is poised to be the greatest racing driver of all time. Yesterday he went above Schumacher's record for the number of pole positions and today I remain confident that he will sweep to victory at the magnificent Monza circuit. Er, go, Lewis, go!
Prepare for the worst: That is, if you are a reasonably sensible Labour Party member and such beings do exist! According to Mr. Dan Hodges in The Mail, and I think he knows where-of he writes, the lunatic 'Corbynistas' are now determined to unleash unrestricted warfare on the moderate wing of the Party. They have already 'eliminated' the leader of the Scottish Labour Party and the English Party is next in line. In Mr. Hodge's words:
Hate, division, conflict. These are not by-products of Corbynism. They are the life-blood of Corbynism. They are what allows it to function.
Time to fight or split, Comrades, the mouth-foaming, Jew-hating Trots are coming for you!
Snort-splutter-snigger-howl with laughter: That James Delingpole is a very naughty boy! In Breitbart, he reports on yet another 'Ship of Fools' in which sundry dim, dumb, Greenie-wallies set sail for the North Pole to demonstrate the 'truth' of global warming which, in a way, they did because 590 nautical miles short of their target they had to turn back because of ... wait for it! ... ice! File under: WHODATHUNKIT? Hat tip to IHTM.
And talking of old jokes: As I was in my first post up above, here's a golden oldie which, being typical of its time, isn't exactly a side-splitter today. However, I repeat it, courtesy of The Telegraph, because it gives me an excuse to print a picture of Jane Russell:
Jane Russell in The Outlaw (1943) Credit: Alamy
She, silly girl, was one of the first not to reply to one of my fan letters although, to be fair, I was only 4 years old then! Anyway, apparently this joke had them rolling in the aisles 'back in the day':
The joke itself was originally used in a longer sketch called Captain Noseblower, set on a pirate ship.
In it the crew are discussing how to kill time and one suggests they play a game of Jane Russell Pontoon.
His shipmate asks: “Is that the same as ordinary pontoon?”
To which the first replies: “It is, but you need 38 to bust.”
Well, talk about laugh, I nearly did!
20 snouts in the trough and there's still 3 years to go: Much about America puzzles me. Today the NYT is reporting that there are around 20 Democrat pols already up and running for the Presidency as they suck up to the rich moneybags whose wealth will be required to run a campaign. Silly me, I always thought that rich business men were shrewd, so how many of them are dumb enough to pour their money into the hands of greasy politicians - particularly following 'Hillbilly's abject failure?
Sorry, another boring-snoring race: But at least (Sir) Lewis won it! Mind you, I was relying on that Aussie, Ricciardo, to take that damned Hun off but he let me down. Still, Hamilton is in the lead for the championship for the first time this year - jolly good show!
For the second time in a few days I have been forced to 'snip' certain phrases from comments left here. On both occasions it was from the same source but please be aware that whilst a certain amount of bad language or rude imagery is allowable on a grown-up blog written for grown-ups - there are limits. If it continues then instead of snipping the phrases concerned I will just wipe out the complete comment. You have been warned - be fierce but keep it fairly decent!
No more rumbles today
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