If ever the Realpolitik adage "Your enemy's enemy is your friend" needed a real world example it is the opportunity, yes opportunity, that now presents itself in central Asia.
Let's raise the telescope to our eye, and through the fog of war scan the enemy's battle line and list their contingents on this field of glory - clockwise from North ...
- Russia
- China
- Pakistan
- Iran
All four of them fear the Taliban for various reasons: all have deep vulnerabilities to the Taliban.
Vlad is terrified of renewed conflict in the Stan's, his south eastern "near abroad" buffer zone. Connecting to Islamist groups in the Stan's would be straightforward for the Taliban to achieve and a bloody thorn in Vlad's side.
Ping-a-Ling is fearful of the same: Taliban and Uyghur Islamism in collaboration.
"It's not cricket" Khan has beaten the Pakistan Taliban for now while simultaneously supporting the Afghan Taliban and taking development and anti-terrorism support from the West! In the world of Realpolitik that's an A*, you have to say. But in the Great Game everything has changed now and all bets are off. It's ding-ding round 2 - or round 22 more like - and there is no reason why a victorious Afghan Taliban cannot revisit the quarter lost to "It's not cricket" Khan.
The Mad Mullahs are the Taliban's greatest infidel enemy, the Shia splitters from the true Sunni Islam, and with a pesky minority in Afghanistan that the Taliban would do well to oppress and isolate from Iranian influence.
And turning the telescope to our own battle line, who's there? ...
- Turkey
- Saudi Arabia and the Emirates
Well, there's a gift! Dirty Erdy and the Camel Boys are all Sunni and thereby the brethren of the Taliban! That makes it easier.
So what's to do and how to do it?
Firstly, swallow pride, suppress emotion, step away from the event, and let is pass into the mere status quo of history. You got beat. Get over it and don't be a Shushka.
Secondly, opium. Immediately the whole of the West needs to reduce the local price of heroin to zero by putting a dispenser machine outside every newsagent, GP surgery, pharmacy, and hospital, whereby you simply press the button and your baggy drops into the tray, like a bag of crisps or a Snickers bar, absolutely free of charge. That will destroy the domestic heroin drug trafficking industry stone dead. It is the only known way to kill a market: reduce the price to zero.
To supply the dispenser machines the West needs to buy the poppy crop of Afghanistan, or at least, as much of it as is required to sate the domestic usage. That buys us huge influence with the Taliban, we will be their biggest customer.
And then there's the surplus heroin we don't need, and here's the rub: this one's a leaf right out of the pages of the British Empire: allow and encourage the supply of heroin to Vlad, Ping-a-Ling, and "It's not cricket" Khan. But let them keep paying full whack street price.
Blighty already pulled this trick with Ping-a-Ling's crew way back when, as said. We rubber ducked them up big time with this one. They're addictive people, gambling, getting high, they're mad for it up for it. Here's a little piccie from the past to remind you ...
The Rooskies, Chinks and Pak's are deeply conservative societies unlikely to be able to lever the Liberal ethos required to take the logic to its conclusion: you destroy a market by reducing the price to zero. They won't be fitting smack dispensing machines in public places any time soon. And even if they do, they'll be buying at the Taliban's street price until they can get a poppy crop of their own going. Their societies will be wrecked and their economy too as they pay "top whack for smack" into the bargain.
Thirdly, get those Talib chaps au fait with the oodles of mil kit we've left behind, and get them busy doing nasty in the Stan's, Xinxiang province, and Pakistan. There's great synergy here with step two: the heroin smuggling routes where all the wonga is made are the same routes down which the Talibs will be going to do the nasty. The smugglers need security and the Talibs are it, and the Talibs need covert passage and networks and the smugglers are it. Nice. See that smug grin wiped off "It's not cricket" Khan's fizzog in round 2 (or 22) - double nice.
Fourthly, we need to embrace the Taliban as our prime actor against ISIS and more extreme Islamist groups. The Talibs hate them already, so this one's a no brainer. "There shall be no-one more extreme than the Taliban". We'll take that now. So let's back it up. The synergy with the weaponry left behind in Afghanistan is obvious. Any Talibs wanting some foreign service in Africa against Boko Haram, or with the Hairies in Syria against Assad and Vlad, or in Yemen against AQ: speak to Dirty Erdy and the Camel Boys and roll-up roll-up!
Fifthly, and last but not least, some PR and positioning with the domestic audience. Can't be without PR these days of course, and the Taliban need a rebranding. From now on they are to be called the Mujahideen once again. Nice retro spin with plenty of preserved value, we are conservatives after all.
And from a positioning perspective, we need to acknowledge and project that Dirty Erdy and the Camel Boys are at least as nasty to the Laydeez and devoid of human rights, possibly more so, than the Taliban after 20 years of having had nail bars, beauty parlours, kids tranny clinics, chicks with dicks in girls changing rooms, and Save the Whales offices (or is it "Save the Cats and Dogs"? - what a Shushka that Pen Farthing bloke is) thrust upon them. If Dirty Erdy and the Camel Boys are our friends then the Mujahideen are welcome. If you served and gave over these 20 years it was not in vain: none of the above would be possible without your sacrifice, particularly the comparatively moderate Taliban of today versus two decades ago.
Of course, Dirty Erdy, the Camel Boys, and Mujahideen are not our friends. They are our enemies' enemies. When our current enemies are destroyed these friends will become our enemies and we will destroy them too - if we haven't worn them down with nail bars, beauty parlours, kids tranny clinics, etc. etc. and assimilated them into us by then.
Well there it is.
Sound like a plan?
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